August Public Policy Updates

The following article was contributed by Sr. Dale McDonald, PVBM, PhD., NCEA Director of Public Policy. 

Here are some important reminders for upcoming deadlines and updates that can impact your school.

Consultation for ESSA Implementation:

The consultation process for receipt of benefits for students, teachers and other educational personnel for this school year should be well underway at this time.

Title II-A should be a big part of the consultation meetings.  There is significantly more funding available for professional development services this year because the total amount that the LEA receives for Title II-A must be shared equitably with the private schools.

Title II-A has several requirements for types of services requested.  The professional development request must be part of a comprehensive plan that is designed to meet the learning needs of private school students and be supported by data analysis of student academic achievement results. The request for services needs to indicate specifically how the Pd will address identified student needs.  The teachers and other education personnel requesting services must develop a plan that list goals and objectives (anticipated direct student benefits), evidence-based strategies to implement the Pd outcomes, performance indicators to be used to prove effectiveness of anticipated benefits, as well as a timeline and estimated costs.

Much has changed under the new law so be sure to familiarize yourself with the parts of the law that pertain to equitable services for private school students and teachers and bring the documents to the consultation meetings. Copies of the documentation for all of the programs can be found on the NCEA’s public policy website.


The Office of Nonpublic Education at the U.S. Department of Education has created a website for information pertaining to the newly created role of the state ombudsman whose job it is to monitor and enforce the equitable services provisions of ESSA. Click here to view the website – and it would be well to review it periodically.