The National Catholic Educational Association is pleased to invite classroom practitioners, administrators, and stakeholders from all levels of Catholic education to the second annual New Directions Initiative: The Blended Learning Symposium on Monday, June 22, 2015 to Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Blended learning is most often defined as a hybrid subject instruction that integrates face-to-face traditional classroom interaction and activities with online instruction. The integration of technology and the more traditional instructional delivery methods ideally result in a planned pedagogically valuable curriculum that both motivates and challenges students at multiple levels. Blended learning uses online technology to not only supplement, but to enrich and improve, the learning process.
This two and one half day symposium held on the beautiful campus of Santa Clara University in Santa Clara, California will focus on creating, sustaining, and enriching a school-based blended learning curriculum.
Nationally recognized speakers, presenters, and practitioners from across the country will share methodologies and implementation frameworks, as well as hands on demonstrations.
- Educators will synthesize theories, methods, and examples to create a blended learning program for their school.
- Educators will evaluate how the best practices in traditional and online learning programs can benefit their own local learning community.
- Educators will be enrolled in a Professional Learning Community to continue the discussions begun at the event when they return to their workplace.
- Educators will leave with concrete unit plans that integrate blended learning across the curriculum