NCEA Monthly School Feature Video


Beginning September 2016, NCEA would like to begin featuring TWO deserving Catholic Schools each month on our Featured Video section on Facebook, as well as publish an article in NCEA Talk the Blog. The videos will be displayed throughout the month for all members and fans of NCEA to view as a way to showcase your school, Catholic education and Catholic identity.

Submission Guidelines:

Video should be no longer than 3 minutes and contain your school’s name, city & state and highlight your school – what makes it unique! What is going on in your school that makes it a great place to learn? Showcase your school’s pride and Catholic identity. Share your story with us and the rest of our community!

Please include the original file of the video when submitted (not a YouTube link).

Include a brief paragraph (400 words or less) including or expanding upon any of the aspects mentioned above. You may include events, parent, teacher or student testimonials, awards or distinctions the school has earned and anything else that differentiates your school from others.

Also provide a picture to be placed in NCEA Talk the Blog and NCEA social media sites. Preferable Dimensions: 692×514 pixels. If you do not have access to alter images, please provide the best quality image you can. If your school has Facebook and/or Twitter, please also provide the social media handles as well as the links.

All students in the video must have parental consent. You can ask their teacher and/or verify in the school main office to ensure that the family has allowed both the school and NCEA to use the video. If you need a video release form, please let us know.

Submissions are subject to review by NCEA staff.

Please send completed submissions by Tuesday, October 4, 2016 to Ryan Lombardozzi, Social Media Coordinator at NCEA via