Webinar: Maximizing Marketing with Limited Resources

Join NCEA and RenWeb on Thursday, September 15 for the Maximizing Marketing with Limited Resources webinar.



Webinar Description:

In today’s competitive school environment, a strong marketing strategy can be the difference between a healthy sustainable school and a school that struggles to stay afloat. This workshop is designed to show you how to treat your school like a business, using proven marketing techniques like customer profiling and social media outreach to create a fully-branded online presence. We will discuss ways to streamline efforts, save money, and produce high-quality graphics and social media content without having to hire a full-time staff member.

Webinar Details:

Date: Thursday, September 15, 2016

Time: 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. EST

Click this link for registration and more information.

This webinar is offered free of charge as an NCEA member benefit. All registrants will receive the recorded webinar and presentation files.