New Teacher Initiative Launched Through National Catholic Sisters Week

The following article was contributed by Christina Capecchi, National Catholic Sisters Week media coordinator.

The team behind National Catholic Sisters Week has launched a new initiative for Catholic high schools, inviting them to get involved in a special way.

March 8-14 will mark the fourth annual celebration of women religious, an official component of Women’s History Month, which takes place each March. NCSW is intended to raise awareness of the profound impact of Catholic sisters. Across the country, people plan events to elevate women religious. They range widely from retreats to movie screenings, from tours of the motherhouse to ice cream socials. Many are simple: a coffee date, a bouquet of flowers, a handwritten note of appreciation. Some involve inviting a sister to an already scheduled event, such as leading prayer before a board meeting or basketball game.

Now Site Director Molly Hazelton is inviting religion teachers at Catholic high schools across the country to support the cause by inviting their classes to plan an NCSW event sometime in March.

“We’re completely open to whatever they may plan,” said Hazelton, who is based at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Minn. “There’s no right or wrong, nothing too simple or small in scale. We’re looking forward to seeing these teens’ creativity and hearing their fresh voices.”

Hazelton is offering a $100 stipend to each teacher whose class plans an NCSW event. Learn more at or email [email protected] for further information.