Classroom Management

This week, I return to a special issue, this one on classroom management.  We can’t forget to give our teachers the best resources possible so they can continue to improve their craft.

My top 5:

  1. Last year’s Classroom Management Issue was full of great resources.
  2. Combine the second and third articles for a reflection on motivation and punishments.
  3. The fourth article is full of practical suggestions on how to manage misbehavior.
  4. The fifth article focuses on “classroom leadership” as opposed to classroom management.
  5. The sixth article is a compliance-focused article focused on how to get your students to follow directions which is perfect for teachers with out of control classes. (or for parents with a 5 year old who has a mind of your own.  You know who you are!)

Have a great week!

Last week, I had the opportunity to sit in a classroom with one of our principals and conduct a side-by-side observation of one of her teachers.  Afterward we talked about what we saw and what good instruction looks like.  It was a stark reminder to me that for all of our talk about national and system issues surrounding schools, it all begins in the classroom.  We need to give our teachers good resources and coach them to improve.  Our students deserve the best teachers!

Last October, I presented a special issue on Classroom Management.  I’m only going to list resources I came across in the past year.  Here is the link to the last Classroom Management special issue (Oct 23rd, 2016) : Here are some resources: