Didn’t have the chance to check in with NCEA Talk each day? We’ve got you covered. Each Friday NCEA Talk will post a roundup of Catholic education news and resources from the week.
In case you missed it…
Happening Next Week
- Participate in The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) Creating on the Margins Contest, which helps schools and parishes engage youth in learning the root causes of poverty and the Church’s response. The theme of this year’s contest, “A Time to Heal Racism,” invites Catholic youth in grades 7-12 to engage with the theme of racism in an age-appropriate way. Youth will then work to educate others through creative work of any medium (e.g., video, song, painting, drama, poetry, etc.).
- Teaching About Religion in a Polarized Age: Guidelines and Resources – Tuesday, December 11, 2018, 4 PM EST
Major Announcements & Deadlines
- The Many Gifts, One Nation: A Day of Giving to Catholic Schools portal is now open for your school to begin making custom changes. Log-in instructions were sent to principals from [email protected]. If you are having trouble finding your information or logging in please contact [email protected] for assistance.
- TEAMS (Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics and Science) is a one-day engineering competition for students in middle and high school. The 2019 competition theme is “The Engineering Brain” and is composed of three components related to the theme – designing and building a solution to a problem, rigorous math problems and an essay. All competitions occur between February 13 and March 17. Learn more on the TEAMS website. Schools that are members of NCEA can use code NCEA to receive a 30% discount off of the national registration fee of $150. For more information, contact Jenn Glover, TEAMS Manager.
- The NCEA Lead. Learn. Proclaim. Advisory Council Call for Applications opened on November 20, 2018. Visit our website for more information and to submit an application.
- The early bird deadline for NCEA 2019 registration ends soon! Let us know you are coming today!
- The Call for Proposals for the 2019 NCEA Institute for Catholic School Leaders (ICSL 2019) opened on Wednesday, November 14. Submit your proposal by Thursday, January 3, 2019!
- Registration is now open for the 2019 Visions for Excellence Early Childhood Seminar on April 24 during the NCEA 2019 Convention & Expo.
- Don’t forget to sign up to participate in the National Speak Up for Digital Learning Survey Project. Learn more about this important program.
Relevant Resources
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- Many Gifts, One Nation is just over a month away. Make sure you are on track by following our 6-12-20 Week Planning Checklists!
- St. Joseph Studios has posted a new Advent/Christmas playlist on YouTube. It includes four videos: What Is Advent?; What Time Was Jesus Born?; What Do the Nativity Ox and Donkey Symbolize? and How Long Does Christmas Last? These resources provide background information about two of the most important seasons in the liturgical year.
- Catholic School Coaches Code provides 16 tips for coaches in mission-driven athletics programs.
- We can’t wait to see you in Chicago for NCEA 2019, the largest private-education event in the world. The NCEA 2019 mobile app will be ready in mid-March, but you can download the NCEA app now. Within the NCEA app, you will find links to our social media pages, blogs and website. It also includes a complete calendar listing of events and webinars throughout the year as well as a member school directory. Additionally, if you click on the “conventions” tab, you will have access to past NCEA convention and expo content. Search NCEA in either the app store or Google Play.
- The Fall 2018 issue of Momentum is available online. Click here to read the digital issue now.
- Check out our new and improved Religious Education Assessments programs.
- The U.S. Department of Education (ED) announced the release of two toolkits which provide suggestions and resources for English Language (EL) learners utilizing technology-based resources.
- Maximize Federal Benefits Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides helpful information for Catholic schools in understanding the ESSA.