Here is a link to the March 25 Catholic School Matters Radio Hour featuring three great guests. First, I talk to principal (soon-to-be “Doctor”) Lauren Roberts of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School in Dallas about her graduate program at SMU and her experience of earning her EdD while working. We explore her research project on funding inequalities in Catholic schools in one diocese.
Her work explores what the funding inequities look like, what are the downstream effects, and possible solutions. She details the impacts on student learning and she is raising important questions. We talk about how subsidiarity is used to mask these issues.
Recently graduated from the Catholic University Ph.D. program, Dr. Jim King joins the podcast to describe his research in Catholic education. He studied lay Catholic elementary programs and influence of contemplative leadership practices on Catholic school culture. Dr. King described what his study looked like and how he conducted the research. He talks about how this project became interesting to him and how graduate school unfolded for him.
Currently enrolled in the Ed.D. program at Creighton University while working at Bishop McNamara High School, Abbie Greer joins the podcast to discuss her research in Catholic education. Her dissertation will investigate the special education knowledge of secondary school leaders and the relationship to their school’s inclusive education programs. She wants to explore whether the knowledge of the leader impacts the programs offered or even whether inclusion is tied into the charism and mission of the school.
She described the choice of the Creighton program and how it worked into her professional life. Here is another link to this great episode.