Written by NCEA Staff, [email protected]
Serve one another with the gifts you have received.
1 Peter 4:8-11
Each year, NCEA sponsors awards to recognize those who serve our schools in an array of roles. Some recipients are students or employees and others are volunteers. What astounds me is the breadth of service given with no expectation of recognition or reward, other than the satisfaction of knowing that individuals or groups are sharing their expertise and experience to further the mission and ministry of Catholic education.
The President’s Awards are designated by the passions of five past NCEA presidents. NCEA received a flood of nominations for the President’s Awards recognizing:
- Commitment to having a national impact on Catholic education;
- Contribution in areas of development, public relations, scholarship programs, financial management or government relations;
- Promoting a vision of Catholic education that welcomes and serves cultural and economic diversity or serves students with diverse needs;
- Promoting full and fair parental choice in education; and finally,
- Developing an innovative program or approach.
There is also the Lifetime Commitment to Catholic Education Award, recognizing people who have dedicated a lifetime of service to Catholic school leadership. Detailed awards information is available on the NCEA website.

We know that our schools are blessed with caring and compassionate people who selflessly give of their time, talent and treasure. It is wonderful and rewarding to recognize these people, within the walls of our schools, in our local arch/dioceses and through NCEA.
This year’s recipients were honored at the President’s Awards Dinner at NCEA 2024 in Pittsburgh on March 31. One attendee exclaimed, “This is the nicest ceremony I have ever been to! It was so well organized; the food was amazing, and the music was incredible! I met fantastic people, and the messages were powerful. It was truly inspiring. Our President’s Award recipient felt special as did all the recipients and guests! Thank you.” I am sure her sentiments were communicated in numerous ways by the 300 people who attended, including recipients, their guests and other invited individuals.
As you wrap up the 2023-2024 school year and prepare for the 2024-2025 school year, look around you and say thank you to the people who give of themselves to further Catholic education! They may give in small ways or big ways, but they are giving back to God with gratitude for what God has given them in abundance, giving what they can, when they can.
NCEA will be accepting nominations for President’s Awards 2025 in the fall. Keep your eyes open for an opportunity to formally recognize deserving people in your school community for their generous and loving service to Catholic schools.