NCEA is pleased to share the goods news that our board of directors chairman, Bishop George V. Murry, SJ, has recently been elected to lead USCCB’s Committee on Catholic Education. The Committee on Catholic Education guides, directs, and coordinates this task, working closely with the Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis. The scope of the committee’s work includes Catholic elementary and secondary schools, Catholic colleges and universities, and college campus ministry. The committee advocates for federal public policies in education that are consistent with Catholic values and that uphold parental rights and responsibilities regarding education.
Bishop Murry is currently the bishop in the Diocese of Youngstown in Ohio.
Upon his appointment at NCEA, Bishop Murry shared, “Catholic schools have made a tremendous contribution to the growth of the faith in the United States. It is my hope that together we will work to fortify our Catholic schools and recommit ourselves to the ongoing growth and development that is needed for present and future generations to thrive in the 21st century.”
To learn more about Bishop Murry, please click here.