…investing in what students, educators and families all need most: to know God through prayer and through one another.
“‘Our’ Father”: It’s Beyond Recitation!
For students to feel connected to the prayers recited, the prayers should be meaningful and personal (Jasmine & Kim, 2011).
What Does Catholic School Mean to Me?
My Catholic education was fundamental in shaping me into the person and leader I am today.
Los Angeles Catholic Schools: Creating a Culture of Change
EmpowerU’s 1:1 coaching component proves critical in improving educator well-being and resilience.
Empowering Faith Leadership in Catholic Schools
What makes Catholic schools so transformative is how they form students to become the human beings that God intended.
Gratitude, Faith and Belonging: Seattle’s Innovative Approach to Catholic Schools Week
Written by Kristin Moore, director of marketing & enrollment, Office for Catholic Schools, Archdiocese of Seattle, [email protected] When it comes to Catholic Schools Week, the Archdiocese of Seattle is setting a new standard with an innovative approach that uplifts students, families and communities. With its focus on gratitude, joy, service and, most of all, faith, […]
Leading All Children to Christ
Developing the whole child involves creating a barrier-free environment. [All]
staff at St. Rita use sign language and multiple methods of communication.
Pondering Parent Engagement
How do we intentionally and consistently engage parents throughout the year?
How to Start an In-House High School Confirmation Program
An in-house High School Confirmation Program is an accessible solution for today’s generation, supporting students to find the peace, belonging, connection and joy of enriching their spiritual lives—while on campus and in community.
Teach Resilience?
Resilience is much discussed today, perhaps because life stressors seem to have grown in number and intensity, especially since COVID.