Several years ago, Father Ron Nuzzi wrote ten reasons why parents should seek a Catholic education for their children. As a teacher of leaders, Father Nuzzi believes that it is important for all involved in Catholic education to clearly articulate the mission of Catholic schools. Father Nuzzi has granted us permission to reprint his Top […]
Catholic Schools Week: To Form a More Perfect Union
This blog was contributed by Kevin Baxter, Chief Innovation Officer at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) in Arlington, VA. As we celebrate Catholic Schools Week, it is important to be grateful to all aspects that make our schools such wonderful learning environments. We are blessed to live in the United States where, since its […]
Catholic Schools Week: Celebrating Your Community
This blog was contributed by Matt Russell, Chief Advancement & Business Development Officer at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) in Arlington, VA. As we begin our celebration of Catholic Schools Week, January 26 – February 1, we look to acknowledge the different facets that make a Catholic school such a special and meaningful place. […]
Catholic School Matters Top 5
Have you ever taught with a veteran, popular teacher who talked about working on a book for years? Usually nothing comes of it. But Mr. Mike Quillin has (finally!) published his book, The Way of Fuzzy Faith, after a lifetime of teaching English and theology in Catholic schools. I’m so happy for him but I’m […]
Catholic Schools: Developing Saints and Scholars!
The following blog was contributed by Kathy Mears, Chief Program Officer at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) in Arlington, VA. The national theme of Catholic Schools Week is “Catholic Schools: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed.” The Catholic schools in the United States are blessed to belong to communities where people of faith are taught to […]
Catholic School Matters Radio Hour
Here is a link to this week’s Catholic School Matters podcast featuring three great guests. First, the focus is on the border as two Catholic school leaders discuss how the immigration crisis has impacted their school communities. Then, educational reformer Stephanie Saroki de Garcia joins the podcast to discuss the work of Seton Education partners, […]
Catholic School Matters Top 5
Over Christmas break, I finally read Terrence Deal and Kent Peterson’s Shaping School Culture. I say “finally” because I’ve seen references to the work for years and it’s probably been on my book queue longer than any other book. The first edition came out 20 years ago and it’s easy to see how its influence […]
Catholic School Matters Radio Hour
This week’s Catholic School Matters podcast welcomes two great guests. First, Maureen Dowling, who has served for nearly 20 years in the U.S. Department of Education Office of Non-Public Education (ONPE), joins the podcast to discuss her interaction with Catholic schools. Her office is housed in the Secretary’s office and the purpose of the office […]
Catholic School Matters Top 5
When I read Pope Francis’s Christmas greeting to the Roman Curia, I was struck by his desire for Catholic artists to embrace their unique vision of life. I was reminded of Fr. Andrew Greeley’s work on the “Catholic Imagination,” and certainly Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman would qualify as just this type of work. The idea […]
How Do You Define Bullying?
The following blog was contributed by Jodee Blanco, New York Times best-selling author and consultant. It’s that time of year when we’re gifted with a pause, a moment to breathe in the spirit of Christmas and the new year, and reflect upon what’s important. For those of us in education, not only are we thinking […]