Assessment in Any Learning Environment: What teachers and administrators need to know about remote testing

The following blog was contributed by Dr. Gene Kerns, Chief Academic Officer at Renaissance Learning, Inc. Back-to-School 2020 involves new challenges. Catholic educators must make distance learning work, full or part time. But will formative assessments be accurate and reliable when administered remotely? The answer is “yes.” With the right planning and processes, you can […]

We Are Made for Each Other

The following blog was contributed by Christian Dallavis, Assistant Superintendent for Partnership Schools in New York, NY. Reprinted with permission. “Are we going back?” “What will it look like?” School leaders are hearing these questions every day at the start of July 2020, and they are anxious to answer them. Soon, every school in America […]

Finding the Words

The following blog was contributed by Liz Ramos, principal of St. Michael – St. Gabriel Archangels Catholic Elementary School, Archdiocese of Indianapolis. My heart is broken, and I wish I had answers. I wish I knew what to tell my parents when they ask what instruction will look like in the fall after ten weeks […]

Student Voice Survey Series: ‘I can’t talk to my teacher in-person, so it makes my learning harder’

The following blog was contributed by Gretchen Guffy and Katie Gragnaniello. What students are experiencing during the coronavirus outbreak while learning at home This spring, we began the series on students’ perceptions of coronavirus with a blog summarizing the technological devices available to students at home as well as their internet access and quality. In this blog, […]

Our Shining Moment

This blog post with a video was submitted by Frank Donaldson, author of 25 Lessons Learned in 25+ Years in Catholic School Development and the 25 Lessons Learned in 25+ Years in Catholic School Development WORKBOOK and his recent new publication, 15 More Lessons Learned in 30+ Years in Catholic School Development, available in the NCEA bookstore. Frank is the founder and […]