Research shows that the average student loses 17-34% of the previous year’s learning gains over summer break, with losses being more pronounced in math and reading skills.
Recognizing Outstanding Catholic School Students: Youth Virtues, Valor and Vision Awards (YVVV Awards)
Does your school have a story to tell about a student who goes above and beyond the required service hours to affirm the concepts of virtues, valor and vision?
The Importance of Upgrading Classroom Devices for Educators
Let’s take a deeper look into why investing in new classroom technology is crucial and how it can positively impact our educators and students.
The Transformative Effect of Sacred Listening
By focusing on listening, Catholic educators can help students shape their own faith, making it more personal and meaningful. Listening lays the groundwork for trust and meaningful conversation, which is where true faith formation happens.
The Impact of a Box of Joy®
Box of Joy is an instrument of mercy God uses to bless young lives — but its continuation and expansion are only possible if U.S. Catholic schools and other groups are willing to share their resources and engage their students in this gift-giving outreach to help children in need.
Parents and Parishes Strengthen Student Faith Formation
Catholic schools have a dual mission, to be excellent schools and excellent places of faith formation.
Catholic Scouting: Proud to Support NCEA and Catholic Schools
“Belonging to another Catholic faith-based organization outside school reinforces the notion that faith permeates the student’s whole life. It makes the student realize that a faith-based life should be total; not begin and end at school,” said Josephine Golcher, a Catholic school teacher and Scouting leader in Fullerton, CA.
Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Private Schools
4th Circuit overturns lower court decision that threatened private schools with potentially crushing costs of complying with federal regulations.
Bridging the Science of Reading and Literacy Development for Multilingual Learners
Multilingual learners are the fastest-growing population in U.S. schools and account for roughly 10 percent of student populations.
Creating a Compassionate Culture in Our Schools
It’s not the grand gestures or the big moments that leave a lasting imprint on our students’ hearts of what being a Catholic means. It’s in the small stuff, how we communicate and treat one another each day that stays with them.