
Didn’t have the chance to check in with NCEA Talk each day? We’ve got you covered. Each Friday NCEA Talk will post a roundup of Catholic education news and resources from the week.

In case you missed it…

A Prayer for Catholic Schools Week

National Catholic Schools Week Day of Service

Reminder: NCEA to co-host #CatholicEdChat

NCEA Breakfast Club

O.C. choral students sing for the pope on Christmas Eve

Other news and resources:

Are you ready to celebrate the excellence that is Catholic education? Catholic Schools Week is only a few days away! Make sure to follow the conversation using #CSW16 and our Tweetwall at http://csw16.tweetwall.com/.

Also remember to share your #CSW16 stories, celebration ideas, tools, events & resources on our event Facebook page! http://bit.ly/1ORQGJ1