This post was contributed by Connie Lake and Deb Moffit, NCEA Monarch Grant Program Teacher Leaders.
This month, the students have been learning about pollinators and the body parts of insects. With this knowledge they will begin to draw insects along with labeling the body parts. They will also be observing and counting the number of milkweed present in the garden as well as planning a new garden using the measurement of circles and equilateral triangles.
A guest speaker will be teaching about honey-bee life, kinds of bee, honey, beekeeping, swarms and the importance of protecting bees.
We will also be educating preschoolers at an Ooey Gooey night about the monarch cycle, helping them make a butterfly, catching butterflies, emerging them from cocoon (wrapping in toilet paper and having them ’emerge’ and fly away!
Learn more about Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic School’s Monarch butterfly activities and more on Facebook and the Our Mustard Seed blog.
Sts. Peter & Paul School in Nauvoo, Illinois, is a two-time recipient of the NCEA Monarch Rescue Grant. Grantee schools will share monthly updates on their efforts in researching, planning, building, and maintaining the very best monarch-friendly butterfly gardens possible. They will monitor the success or failure of the garden, learning from problems they encounter to plan improvements in subsequent years. Most important, the developing learning modules will incorporate Catholic social teaching on stewardship of the resources God has provided us.
Follow the Monarch Butterfly conversation using #NCEAMonarch, search NCEA Talk using keyword Monarch Butterfly Rescue and view the Monarch Inspiration Gallery on Pinterest.