The following blog was contributed by Matthew F. Manion, Professor of Practice in Management and Operations and Faculty Director of the Center for Church Management in the Villanova School of Business.
The NCEA is partnering with the Center for Church Management in the Villanova School of Business to offer a new Certificate in Catholic School Management. The program is designed to provide school leaders with the critical business skills and knowledge necessary to successfully manage their schools.
Before registering for this tremendous opportunity, you should consider the top four reasons not to sign up:
- I don’t have the time
Catholic school administrators are some of the busiest people on the planet. You have responsibility for students, faculty, staff and their families. Many of you care so deeply about your school that you feel “on” 24/7 and 365 days a year. The thought of adding another commitment to an already overflowing plate can be overwhelming in a normal school year. In a pandemic, it could be impossible.
But imagine if you could handle the financial and human resource issues you face in half the time you do today? Imagine if you could manage your staff and key volunteers so they multiplied what your school could accomplish instead of adding to your workload? Imagine if you could spend more time developing your teachers and students and less time recruiting and fundraising?
This program is designed to fit into your busy schedule. Much of the content is delivered asynchronously and it is 100% online, so you can learn in the time and place that is most convenient for you. It will make the business and management aspects of your role easier, better, and more enjoyable.
- It’s too expensive
Similar certificate programs at other institutions cost thousands of dollars. Thanks to a generous grant from the Lilly Endowment and the generosity of the benefactors of the Center for Church Management, eligible educators can receive a $600 scholarship reducing the tuition from $899 to just $299. That is a great deal for a Certificate from the Villanova School of Business. Based on our experience with other programs, you will find much more than $299 in increased revenues and decreased expenses within the first year as you apply what you learn.
You are worth it. Your school is worth it. Your mission is worth it.
- I already have advanced degrees in education
Most school leaders like you are highly educated. However, typical educational degree programs, while excellent in leadership, pedagogy and curriculum, do not cover the practical realities of managing a school. This non-credit program will cover topics unique to Catholic school leaders such as budgeting and financing for mission; data-driven decision-making; advancement, stewardship and donor relations; enrollment, recruitment and tuition management; contract negotiations and vendor relations; and spirituality of administration.
This certificate is designed to complement, not replace, the excellent education you have already received.
- Catholic education is a calling, not a business
We agree. Yet Catholic schools are organizations and as a leader, you have a responsibility to steward the people, financial and other resources of that organization in a way that is worthy of the Gospel.
In fact, from the beginning, Jesus entrusted much of the mission to entrepreneurial small business owners. Many of the apostles were fishermen, along with a tax collector. St. Paul was a very successful tentmaker before his conversion. Jesus learned how to run a business at the foot of St. Joseph before starting his public ministry.
Jesus was fully reliant on the Father and yet still made time to deal with the management responsibilities of his mission. He is a great role model for how to share a life-changing vision, for coaching and developing people, for giving effective feedback and for attending to the material as well as the spiritual needs of his followers.
We know that when the organizational, strategic, financial and people issues in a school or ministry are done poorly, it reflects negatively on the school and can block or inhibit the transmission of the Gospel. When these same elements are done well and in a way that is worthy of the Good News of Jesus Christ, they are not disconnected from the mission, but actually amplify the Gospel message. Which would you prefer for your school?
If you have considered these four reasons not to sign up and would still like to enroll, we would love to have you join us for this learning experience!
Simply visit Villanova.edu/CCM to learn more and enroll.