Celebrating Our Nation and School Choice

The following blog was contributed by Margaret Kaplow, director for marketing communications and manager, public relations for the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). Catholic Schools Week, January 31 – February 6, is the national celebration of Catholic school education and the theme for February 3 is Celebrating Our Nation. Students, educators and families can communicate […]

Has the Pandemic Impacted Parents’ Perceptions of Catholic Schools?

The following blog was contributed by Amelia Riedel, Senior Consultant for FADICA, (Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities), which partners with NCEA to support the sustainability of Catholic schools. (Photo courtesy of St. James School, Archdiocese of Cincinnati.) One of the most important lessons that I think we have learned from the pandemic is […]

How to Help Families Support Math Learning at Home

The following blog was contributed by NWEA of Portland, Oregon. NWEA is a research-based, not-for-profit organization that supports students and educators worldwide by creating assessment solutions that precisely measure growth and proficiency—and provide insights to help tailor instruction. As this uncertain school year continues—and as research shows math is proving especially challenging for many students—there […]

Financial Aid Applications for the 2021-2022 School Year: Considerations for the COVID-19 Era

The following blog was contributed by Megan Fangmeyer, product manager for FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment. Megan recently hosted a webinar on how schools should refine their financial aid strategies for the upcoming school year. She has worked at FACTS for 11 years and spends most of her time researching, interviewing financial aid professionals and […]

Top 4 Reasons Not to Sign Up for the New Certificate in Catholic School Management

The following blog was contributed by Matthew F. Manion, Professor of Practice in Management and Operations and Faculty Director of the Center for Church Management in the Villanova School of Business. The NCEA is partnering with the Center for Church Management in the Villanova School of Business to offer a new Certificate in Catholic School […]