The following blog was contributed by Annette Marie Jones, Ed.D., educational consultant and former assistant director for school leadership at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) in Arlington, VA. Are you a new administrator, an aspiring administrator, a superintendent who coaches new administrators, or a professor who educates aspiring administrators? NCEA’s new publication, Administrator’s Survival […]
Enrollment on Lockdown
The following blog was contributed by Adam Olenn, CEO of Rustle & Spark, a full-service creative agency that helps schools connect with prospective families in powerful digital, print, and real-world experiences. Teaching class is what schools do. It’s not easy, but it is a well-known quantity…until now. With almost all schools engaged in some kind […]
Lenten Reflection: My Inner Room during the Coronavirus Pandemic
The following blog was contributed by Adam Zoeller, a member of the theology department at Saint Xavier High School in Louisville, KY. The translation of the Hebrew name Israel is ‘one who contends with human and divine beings.’ Although Jacob’s name change reinforces once again the importance of conversion in the Old Testament, I am […]
Catholic School Matters Top 5
We are all sad for what we’ve lost. The present can seem downright depressing and the immediate future looks even less promising. Read the HBR article entitled “That Discomfort You’re Feeling is Grief” which addresses the emotional experience of change in times such as these. While it might be easier to think only students are […]
Catholic School Matters Radio Hour
Here is a link to the March 25 Catholic School Matters Radio Hour featuring three great guests. First, I talk to principal (soon-to-be “Doctor”) Lauren Roberts of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School in Dallas about her graduate program at SMU and her experience of earning her EdD while working. We explore her research project on funding […]
Catholic School Matters Top 5
How do we do school when we aren’t at school? And how do we do Church when we aren’t at church? As we’re all trying to navigate this new world, it helps to take a step back and remember that we are trying to connect with people in new ways. It seems that every waking […]
Catholic School Matters Radio Hour
Here is a link to the March 18th Catholic School Matters Radio Hour. This week’s podcast features two great guests. First, Dr. Ann Garrido, professor of homiletics and author of the recent book “Let’s Talk About Truth: A Guide for Preachers, Teachers, and Other Catholic Leaders in a World of Doubt and Discord, joins the […]
Catholic School Matters Top 5
I had the privilege to read Ann Garrido’s latest book Let’s Talk About Truth last month and her message of examining, articulating, and challenging truth in our world has been swimming in my mind for the past few weeks. She challenges Christians to speak out in defense of truth and recognize that there is such […]
Catholic School Matters Radio Hour
On this week’s Catholic School Matters Radio Hour podcast, I bring on three great guests to discuss my new book, Orchestrating Conflict: Case Studies in Catholic School Leadership. They are all return guests and represent different perspectives on the case study book. I sent them a chapter before the book was published and we had a conversation about […]
Catholic School Matters Top 5
This week’s blog centers around my new book, Orchestrating Conflict: Case Studies in Catholic School Leadership. I hope to explain why I wrote it, why I think it’s valuable, and why I think you should read it. Over the past few years, I’ve seen friends in Catholic education endure some really difficult situations. As the […]