The following blog was contributed by Jodee Blanco, New York Times best-selling author and consultant. This time of year is tough on lonely students, the ones who struggle to fit in, who may not even be teased or bullied per se, but who are simply always left out. Their classmates who exclude them are often […]
Catholic School Matters Top 5
I’ve collected the most popular articles from each of the ten editions of Catholic School Matters this fall. This fall’s “Best Of” edition is earlier than usual because I’ve come to the conclusion (based on clicks) that people don’t have time to read during December. Christmas programs, holiday parties, and movie sequels will be taking […]
Defining a Value Proposition as Part of the School Marketing Plan
This blog was contributed by Maria A. Ippolito of Partners in Mission, a full-service consulting and professional education firm focused exclusively on developing excellence in Catholic school advancement and leadership. When we talk about marketing in our schools, we tend to focus on things, like brochures, billboards and branding. We want the shiny new logo […]
Catholic School Matters Top 5
Last week’s USCCB meetings surfaced a few fault lines in US Catholicism which shed light on best practices in Catholic schools. To start the week, Archbishop Pierre, the Papal Nuncio, exhorted the US Bishops to embrace their communion with Papal teachings and examine the “magisterial imperative.” This is especially true related to Laudato Si as […]
Catholic School Matters Top 5
As schools begin to get a handle on this year’s budget realities, they must begin planning for next year. It occurs to me that many of our schools are being led by educationally-trained leaders who need help understanding the function of their finance offices, their role as supervisor, and the role of their Finance Councils. In addition, […]
Parental Duties – in the Womb and Throughout Life
This blog was contributed by Brittany Vessely, executive director of Catholic Education Partners in Thornton, Colorado. As of the end of October, the start of the 40 Days for Life, I am 25 weeks pregnant and closing in on my third trimester with my baby boy in the womb. He is my husband and my […]
Catholic School Matters Radio Hour
I explore the landmark Espinoza case on the Catholic School Matters podcast. This case originated in Montana and will be heard at the US Supreme Court in January. It holds the possibility to overturn the dreaded Blaine Amendments and change state funding across the country. The origin was a student scholarship program passed (and surprisingly […]
Santiago to Host The Inter-American Congress of Catholic Education
This story originally appeared October 5, 2019 on the SIGNIS website. SIGNIS is a non-governmental organization that includes members from over 100 countries. As the “World Catholic Association for Communication”, it brings together radio, television, cinema, video, media education, Internet, and new technology professionals. The Inter-American Confederation of Catholic Education (CIEC) will hold its Congress from January […]
Catholic School Matters Top 5
This week’s newsletter is focused on the landmark Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue case which will be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court in January. Many people believe the case will overturn Blaine amendments which are present in 37 states and are used to prevent the state from funding religious schools in any way. […]
Tips for Successful Administration of the Affective Battery of the IFG:ACRE
This blog was contributed by Andrea Chavez-Kopp, Director of Formation and Digital Engagement at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) in Arlington, VA. Students are familiar with standardized assessments in other content areas, so when asked to participate in the Assessment of Children/Youth Religious Education (ACRE), it is important to approach administration of this tool […]