Teaching Faith Across the Grades 6-12 Curriculum and Programs: Religious Education

Written by Father Tom Simonds, S.J., Director of Secondary Engagement, NCEA, [email protected]. In this blog, through six separate posts, I will be sharing how faculty can develop teaching strategies across the curriculum and across programs using the Four Pillars of the Catechism and other curriculum guides. In this post, I will focus on religious education. […]

Another ETP Success Story: IT and STEM at St. Teresa’s

Author: Lucas Ostrowski, Founder & CEO Email: [email protected]  Website: https://www.educationtechpros.com When the technology teacher at St. Teresa of Calcutta Education Center announced their retirement, principal Robin John knew it would be tricky to find a replacement. Recruiting and hiring a new technology teacher was one of Robin John’s first tasks as the new principal, and […]

Lingering Pandemic Learning Loss? Try Catholic Schools

Written by John Galvan, Director of Assessments, NCEA.   On May 5, 2023, the World Health Organization declared that the COVID-19 pandemic “no longer constitutes a public health emergency of international concern.” For those of us who work in the educational sector, that years-long stretch was a heavy lift. We all needed to see that […]

Literacy experts answer educators’ 10 most pressing questions about dyslexia

Erin Ryan, Senior Writer, NWEA, [email protected] In Dyslexia: What every educator should know about the most common learning disability, NWEA literacy experts Tiffany Peltier and Cindy Jiban took an evidence-based look at dyslexia. Here are their answers to some of the questions we received after the webinar. You can read more on the NWEA blog, […]