Lingering Pandemic Learning Loss? Try Catholic Schools

Written by John Galvan, Director of Assessments, NCEA.   On May 5, 2023, the World Health Organization declared that the COVID-19 pandemic “no longer constitutes a public health emergency of international concern.” For those of us who work in the educational sector, that years-long stretch was a heavy lift. We all needed to see that […]

Fostering Creativity and Collaboration in Catholic Education: Six Ways to Nurture the Whole Student Through Faith and Learning

John Galvan, Vice President of Assessments, NCEA, [email protected] Catholic schools are renowned for their dedication to nurturing the whole person – mind, body, and spirit. In the 21st century, the demand for creative and collaborative problem solvers is more important than ever. How can we incorporate the teachings of the Catholic faith to promote creativity […]

Students, Families and Evangelization in Catholic Schools

by Joseph D. White, Ph.D., Associate Publisher, Catechetical Resources, [email protected] Evangelization is a primary function of Catholic schools. Although they provide quality education in a variety of subject areas, as agents of the Church, they share the larger mission of the Church – forming disciples of Jesus Christ. Catholic schools should, and must, be more […]

What School Leaders Need to Know About the Changing Affiliations of Latinos in the U.S.

Content contributed by Megan Bissell, Research Project Manager, [email protected] A recent Pew Research Center survey on the religious affiliation of Hispanic adults in the United States has significant implications for Catholic schools. While Catholicism remains the largest religious group among Latinos, its share among Latino adults has steadily declined over the past decade. In 2010, […]

Five Ways Catholic Schools Are Uniquely Positioned to Support Youth Mental Health

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, a crisis has deepened among U.S. teenagers, with negative mental health outcomes and thoughts of suicide increasing significantly over the past decade.  The contributing factors of loneliness and isolation are counterintuitive to many of our first impressions of young people.  If I were to ask you to picture […]

Box of Joy – How Your Classroom Can Transform a Child’s Life

The following blog was contributed by Cross Catholic Outreach. To add this service project to your school’s outreach program, please click here. How It Feels to Open a Box of Joy Sadly, Christmas morning often arrives very differently in developing nations. There, impoverished children in remote communities may rise early like their U.S. brothers and […]