As we celebrate Thanksgiving, our gratitude for God’s grace is abundant for the gift of Catholic schools whose doors are open.
The Power of Data: How Data-Driven Solutions Benefit K-12 Schools
Whether you’ve got tons of data on hand that you don’t know what to do with or are looking for new solutions for your school to provide you with better data, here are some of the top ways that data – and great tools that provide great data – can benefit your school.
National Catholic School Principal’s Appreciation Day!
Written by Karen Barreras, Director of Leadership Engagement, NCEA, [email protected] Please remember to celebrate your school’s principal today! During a spelling lesson when I was in elementary school, my teacher gave us a clue to remember the difference between the words principle and principal. Simply, our principal could be remembered as being our “pal.” As […]
Teaching Faith Across the Grade 6-12 Curriculum and Programs: Language Arts and Social Studies
The seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching are another organizer you can use to integrate faith formation in social studies courses.
How has AJHD made an impact at your school?
In this captivating narrative, we gain an understanding into the remarkable journey of the National Catholic Junior High Academic Decathlon (AJHD), where a principal and her students’ experience led to an unforgettable day of competition and camaraderie that has everyone eagerly anticipating this year’s competition at St. Anne Catholic School, Diocese of Galveston-Houston.
One Size Does Not Fit All: PD and Collaboration
How do we make professional development (PD) meaningful and useful to teachers and others with a broad range of expertise and experience, and who also teach various subjects in classrooms from Pre-K through 12?
Teaching Faith Across the Grades 6-12 Curriculum and Programs: Science
Written by Father Tom Simonds, S.J., Director of Secondary Engagement, NCEA, [email protected] Teaching the Catholic faith is everyone’s job in a Catholic school. This is the second blog post in a series, and each post features ideas for teaching the faith in specific disciplines and programs. In this blog, through six separate posts, I will […]
Send a Child a Christmas Gift!
Saint John Paul II once said, “Catholic education aims not only to communicate facts but also to transmit a coherent, comprehensive vision of life, in the conviction that the truths contained in that vision liberate students in the most profound meaning of human freedom.” What a joy it is when Catholic school students are given […]
You may have heard CHESCS and wondered …Who ?
CHESCS works with NCEA to create links and relationships between Catholic higher education and Catholic P-12 education.
National Day of Giving FAQs
The sixth annual National Day of Giving is almost here! We hope you’ve gotten started with setting up your school’s appeal page and crafting a compelling campaign. We’re looking forward to seeing you put your plans into action on November 14! Over the years, we’ve received many of the same questions about preparing for National […]