Catholic Schools: Stewards of our Common Home – Ideas for Catholic Schools

In Laudato Si, Pope Francis’s 2015 encyclical on the environment, he urged all to be good stewards of God’s creation. Brother Robert Bimonte, President of the National Catholic Educational Association, accepted Tom Burnford’s, Archdiocese of Washington’s Secretary for Education, challenge to #WalkwithFrancis. NCEA now challenge the 6,500 Catholic schools across the country, starting with the […]

Reminder: Register for 2015 NCEA Catholic Leadership Summit

Don’t forget to register for the 2015 NCEA Catholic Leadership Summit held at the Sheraton Atlanta from October 18-21, 2015. Early bird rate closes August 31. Formerly known as the CACE meeting, the NCEA Catholic Leadership Summit is open to all NCEA members who are arch/diocesan directors who serve Catholic schools and CHESCS members.  The meeting consists […]