The Superintendent’s Academy provides innovative, timely and relevant information and practices for superintendents, associate superintendents, and assistant superintendents in Catholic education. While the Academy focuses primarily on new or nearly new diocesan leaders, it is also an excellent professional development opportunity for aspiring superintendents and seasoned veterans seeking a refresher. This year’s academy is centered […]
Weekly Round Up 9/4/15
Didn’t have the chance to check in with NCEA Talk each day? We’ve got you covered. Each Friday NCEA Talk will post a roundup of Catholic education news and resources from the week. In case you missed it… NCEA Prayer Service for a New School Year NCEA IFG:ACRE Available Online Catholic Schools: Stewards of our […]
From CAPE News: Students Exceed SAT Benchmark
The Council for American Private Education (CAPE) recently reported that the average SAT scores for 2015 graduates from religious and independent schools significantly exceeded the SAT College and Career Readiness Benchmark, a combined score of 1550 on three SAT tests (critical reading, writing, and mathematics) that is associated with success in college. Click here to […]
NCEA IFG:ACRE Available Online
The use of technology in the classroom has changed how we teach and assess today’s students. To support these endeavors, NCEA has worked with Computerized Assessments and Learning (CA&L) to provide an option for students to complete the NCEA IFG: ACRE edition online with an upgrade to the reports. Click here for further information and […]
Early Registration Extended for CLS
We hope you can join us at the 2015 NCEA Catholic Leadership Summit that will be held at the Sheraton Atlanta from October 18-21, 2015. Formerly known as the CACE meeting, the NCEA Catholic Leadership Summit is open to all NCEA members who are arch/diocesan leaders who serve Catholic schools and CHESCS members. Breakout sessions […]
Catholic Schools: Stewards of our Common Home
September 1 has been designated at the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation by Pope Francis. This day of prayer gives an opportunity for all of us to implore God’s help in protecting creation. Pope Francis has recently urged the Catholic community through Laudato Si to be good stewards of the environment. […]
NCEA Prayer Service for a New School Year
Every Monday, NCEA staff starts the week off together in prayer. This week, we prayed in particular for the start of a new school year: As we gather here today and Catholic schools in our diocese being classes for the 2015-201 academic year, we take time to pause, and become aware of the presence of […]
Weekly Round Up 8/28/15
Didn’t have the chance to check in with NCEA Talk each day? We’ve got you covered. Each Friday NCEA Talk will post a roundup of Catholic education news and resources from the week. In case you missed it… Do you know a teacher who is committed to Catholic school education and eager to grow in […]
NCEA in the News – Education Week
Education Week recently shared the story “Catholic Schools Add ‘R’ for Religion to Turn STEAM to STREAM” by Jackie Zubrzycki “The Holy Father has spoken about protecting our environment and our moral responsibility to be stewards of this world,” Gossart said. “If he was teaching in a classroom, we’d want him to wear a STREAM […]
NCEA is sending a deserving Catholic school teacher to NCEA 2016 Convention and Expo!
Do you know a teacher who is committed to Catholic school education and eager to grow in his or her professional development? Nominate them today! How it works: Nomination Round — Schools must submit a Nomination Form to nominate a deserving teacher who they believe should be sent to NCEA 2016. Up to five teachers […]