“Education is in fact the primary vehicle of integral human development, for it makes individuals free and responsible…The pandemic prevented many young people from attending school to the detriment of their personal and social development.” – Pope Francis, Address to the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to the Holy See, January 10, 2022 Whenever federal funds are made […]
Sadlier Celebrates Catholic Schools
Celebrate Catholic Schools WeekAn annual tradition since 1974, Catholic schools across the nation commemorate Celebrate Catholic Schools Week with celebrations, Masses, open houses, and activities for students, families, parishioners, and community members. These events showcase and celebrate the rich traditions and the incredible value of Catholic education on both a local and national level. Each […]
By the Grace of the Holy Spirit: Working in Partnership with Parents
The following blog was contributed by Jodee Blanco, New York Times best-selling author and consultant. It’s been a meaningful and extraordinary year. While we’ve been tested in ways that none of us, even at our most imaginative, could have ever anticipated, I’ve also seen the Holy Spirit at work in our Catholic schools more this […]
Laudato Si’ Action Platform Launches with Leadership from NCEA
The following blog was contributed by the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. On the World Day of Prayer for the Poor, November 14, the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development launched the next phase of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform. NCEA has played a key role in its development as a member of […]
How Catholic Schools are Strategizing to Address Learning Loss
The following blog was contributed by FACTS Education Solutions in Lincoln, NE. Год пролетел так быстро. Прежде чем вы это узнаете, снова наступит сезон отпусков. Хотя еще может быть немного рано ставить елку, никогда не рано подумать, что вы хотите на Рождество. Некоторым членам семьи нравится начинать делать покупки пораньше, поэтому вам, возможно, придется найти […]
Growing Leadership in Catholic Schools
The following blog was contributed by Kathy Mears of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). Leaders come in all shapes and sizes and from all types of backgrounds. In Catholic education, we are seeking diversity. We are seeking leaders who look more like the students we are serving. This particular initially can display as issues with puncture, […]
Education Law Symposium 2021 Round-Up
The 19th annual Education Law Symposium (July 7 – 8), sponsored jointly by Loyola Marymount University School of Education Center for Catholic Education and the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), found 200-plus online participants engaged in learning with some of the nation’s top experts on Catholic school legal issues. Based on a post-symposium survey, the […]
The following blog was contributed by Lincoln Snyder, the new president/CEO of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). Parents don’t just want their children to be happy; they want their children to be heroes. One of the most distinct memories from my sixth grade year at St. John Vianney in Rancho Cordova, California was my […]
Don’t Let a Good Disruption Go to Waste
The following blog was contributed by Anne Schafer-Salinas, director of virtual learning at Incarnate Word High School in San Antonio, TX. The 2020 – 2021 year is destined to be included in history books of the future. As the world emerges from pandemic living, schools are just as poised as any organization to learn from the […]
Three Tips for Summer Rejuvenation
The following blog was contributed by Jill Annable, executive director for academic excellence at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). “Trust. You do not have to know it all.” The words startled me. I was merely stepping out of noon Mass alongside an NCEA member superintendent while on a diocesan visit. The pastor stopped us […]