NCEA Central Chat: 3 Things to Stop Doing Today

Continuous improvement that results in success for our students should be the goal of each Catholic school. The following are three things you need to stop doing today and how to replace them with successful strategies that will benefit the students you serve.


1.  Stop being complacent with your students being proficient on formative and summative tests.  Create a grit and growth mindset culture.

2.  Stop letting “prayer” be the only form of strategic planning for your school.  Mission-based strategic planning is critical to your success.

3.  Stop thinking with an either/or mindset.  Both/And approach is more in line with our faith and our call to serve others.

Catholic schools should not be student centered – they should be ‘Learner-Centered’ – as schools where everyone learns; students, teachers, support staff, administrators and pastors.

It is important that we all understand that everyone should continuously grow in both knowledge and faith.

Prayer is essential and a great starting point, but action is required. If you’re just starting, keep it simple. and learn the cycle of improvement: Operate; Analyze; Improve; Repeat.

Dr. Daryl Hagan, Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Evansville. For additional information, contact Daryl at [email protected] or on Twitter @evdiocatholicschools.