Today, it is almost a necessity for teachers to create a blended learning environment that empowers students to become independent learners as well as work collaboratively with their peers. Chris Covone, a teacher at Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy High School in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida has been teaching 100-150 students per class with a 1:1 ratio […]
Blended Learning and the Future of Catholic Education
Hundreds of teachers, principals and superintendents traveled this week to the 2015 New Directions Blended Learning Symposium in Santa Clara to learn more about the viable blended learning options and its success stories to incorporate them in their own schools and classrooms. Technology is in the student’s hands to begin with, an integral part of […]
Successful Partnerships Lead to Outstanding Boards
Due to heightened expectations of parents and stakeholders for openness, transparency, and accountability, a healthy partnership between the administration and board members is essential. This success of this partnership depends upon a mutual appreciation and respect for one another’s roles which, in turn, lead to trust between board members and administration. Continually building trust between […]
NCEA in the news
Our Sunday Visitor recently shared the story “New focus for Catholic education association Group will focus exclusively on helping Catholic schools lead, learn and proclaim the Faith” by Patti MaGuire Armstrong. Catholic Education has always been about much more than just academic excellence. It is first and foremost about forming students according to the teachings […]
6-16 Virtual Catholic High School Initiative in the Archdiocese of Newark Is Successful
The following post originally appeared on the NCEA elementary newsfeed. For more information about the 6-16 Virtual Catholic High School initiative contact Noreen Andrews, UCHS’s assistant principal who oversees the initiative at [email protected]. Information will also be presented next week at the 2015 NCEA New Directions Blended Learning Symposium, for more information, please click here. Union Catholic Regional High […]
NCEA Appoints New Directors to Develop New and Innovative Programs for Catholic School Educators
Professional Development and Leadership Teams will work to refocus NCEA mission to Lead, Learn and Proclaim for Catholic schools NCEA has announced the appointment of two new directors. Pamela Bernards, Ed.D. will serve as the Director of Professional Development and James Pavlacka will serve as the Director of Leadership Development. With the appointment of these […]
Weekly Round Up – 6/12/2015
Didn’t have the chance to check in with NCEA Talk each day? We’ve got you covered. Each Friday NCEA Talk will post a roundup of Catholic education news and resources from the week. In case you missed it… LEAD – Learning Never Ends: Summer Reads for Catholic Education Leaders PROCLAIM – Monthly Message from NCEA’s […]
Monthly Message from NCEA’s President – June 2015
Dear NCEA Members, As our Catholic schools celebrate the end of another school year, I would like to thank all of you for your commitment to serve our Church through education. In the coming days, I hope you will take time to reflect on the many blessings you experienced this year – the blessings […]
Learning Never Ends: Summer Reads for Catholic Education Leaders
No one knows everything about anything. This is particular true about members involved with realizing the mission of Catholic schools, especially at a time when new challenges continue to face our schools. Current topics that call for members’ understanding and knowledge to face these challenges are new revenue streams for Catholic schools, emerging school reconfigurations, […]
Weekly Round Up – 6/5/2015
Didn’t have the chance to check in with NCEA Talk each day? We’ve got you covered. Each Friday NCEA Talk will post a roundup of Catholic education news and resources from the week. In case you missed it… Monday Morning Meeting – Share your knowledge and resources with your Catholic school educators across the country […]