The following blog was contributed by Dale McDonald, PBVM, Ph.D., NCEA Vice President of Public Policy. Do you have English Language Learners in your Catholic school? Have you heard of Title III-A? As Catholic school educators engage in their mission to serve all students, it is important our private schools receive the aid they are […]
Committing to Cultural Responsiveness as a Catholic School Educator
The following blog was contributed by Betsy Okello, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, The Mary Ann Remick Leadership Program, University of Notre Dame. As Catholic school educators and leaders, committing to cultural responsiveness is not merely nice to do or an add on to our core curricula. It is essential to developing our students spiritually, academically, and […]
The Value of EdTech Safety
The following blog was contributed by Christina Jontra, Chief Navigator at Neptune Navigate, [email protected]. The resources that are available to us today can be used to enhance the learning experience of our students. We have the ability to see galaxies never seen before, communicate easily with people all around the globe and view art and artifacts […]
Beyond Academic Excellence and Faith Formation: Should Catholic Schools Emphasize Values More?
The following blog was contributed by Quentin Wodon1. One of the leading academic journals for Catholic educators is the Journal of Catholic Education. A great feature of the journal is that it is open access, so you can read all its articles for free. The last issue of the journal (Volume 25, Issue 1) includes […]
The Power of a Smile and a Kind Word
The following blog was contributed by Jodee Blanco, New York Times best-selling author and consultant. We all know that gratitude practices can mean the difference between having a deeply contented or a restless heart. When I go into schools to implement my anti-bullying program or do professional development, I include creative strategies for focusing on […]
Back to School 2022 – 2023
Dear Members: Nearly all of our schools are back in session for the 2022 – 2023 school year, and many of you have marked that return with a celebration of something special in your community. You may be surprised to hear that our inboxes are not flooded with invitations to events at individual schools, so […]
Guided reading reimagined: How to close reading gaps with differentiation and scaffolding
The following blog was contributed by Lynne Kulich, director of early learning at NWEA. My earliest reading memory is of my three-year-old self seated on my grandma’s lap in her living room while she read and reread Old Hat New Hat by Stan and Jan Berenstain. I don’t recall why I was so fond of […]
Three ways to put assessment data to work in the classroom
The following blog was contributed by Chase Nordengren, the principal research lead for the professional learning team at NWEA. The results of assessment, whether you’re using formative assessment strategies or an interim assessment like MAP® Growth™, can empower teachers and school leaders to inform instructional decisions. To ensure that your instruction promotes equity and empowers students, you need […]
A Preview of What’s to Come at CLS – October 16 – 19, 2022 in Arlington, VA
Dear All: In my years of service as a diocesan superintendent, NCEA’s Catholic Leadership Summit was always a highlight. I knew that I would return to my diocese with at least one big idea that would inform my priorities for the next year. In addition, I looked forward to broadening my network of fellow leaders […]
Supporting Refugees, Forcibly Displaced People and Migrants: The Role of Schools and Universities
The following blog was contributed by Quentin Wodon, World Bank & Loyola University New Orleans. A few days ago, UNHCR released its latest report on trends in global displacement. The report estimates that globally, 89.3 million people were forcibly displaced as of December 2021. This included 27.1 million refugees, 53.2 million internally displaced people (IDPs), […]