Your School’s Catholic Identity: Name It, Claim It, and Build on It

The following blog was contributed by Max Engel, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, and co-author of Your School’s Catholic Identity: Name It, Claim It, and Build on It, with co-authors Barbara Brock, Ed.D., Timothy J. Cook, Ph.D., Ronald D. Fussell, Ed.D., Jean Louise Hearn, Ed.D. and Fr. Tom Simonds, SJ, Ed.D. […]

Using the TV Show The Chosen to Introduce Students to Lectio Divina

The following blog was contributed by award-winning author, speaker and teacher, Amy J. Cattapan. Follow her at As teachers and catechists scramble to continue faith-based education during this time of stay-at-home orders, a new TV show about Jesus and his disciples offers a unique way to introduce middle school and high school students to the […]

Play Like A Champion: Following the Vatican’s Lead to Elevate the Culture of American Sport

The following blog was contributed by Kristin Komyatte Sheehan, Program Director, Pete Piscitello, Manager of Outreach and Operation Support, and Dr. Clark Power, Founder & Director of Play Like a Champion Today in Notre Dame, Indiana. In the midst of an ordinary spring, those of us involved in youth and high school sports would be […]

Cultivating Faith: A Guide to Building Catholic High School Campus Ministry

The following blog was contributed by Dan Masterton, Assistant Vocations Minister, The Clerics of St. Viator, in Arlington Heights, Illinois. In spring 2018, my principal emailed our school staff with a plug from NCEA. Its national convention was coming to Chicago in 2019, and they were inviting submissions for presentations. I’ll admit I hadn’t done […]

Administrator’s Survival Guide: Assistance on the Leadership Journey

The following blog was contributed by Annette Marie Jones, Ed.D., educational consultant and former assistant director for school leadership at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) in Arlington, VA. Are you a new administrator, an aspiring administrator, a superintendent who coaches new administrators, or a professor who educates aspiring administrators? NCEA’s new publication, Administrator’s Survival […]