Turning Summer Learning Loss into Learning Gains

Summer learning loss, summer slide—these familiar terms describe the loss of learning over the summer from the prior school year because of the lengthy absence from school. On top of that, we are now (unfortunately) dealing with COVID learning loss, which still lingers as a result of school disruptions and prolonged virtual learning. Combined, this […]

Three Common Myths About Standards-Based Grading – Debunked

The following blog was contributed by David Specht, Otus Senior EdTech Copywriter. For over 100 years, the grades in our schools have not communicated what students have learned. (Yes, you read that correctly.) Those are the findings that Susan M. Brookhart and her colleagues reported in their 2016 research, “A Century of Grading Research: Meaning […]

The 5 Elements of Data-Driven Instruction

Through data-driven instruction (DDI), teachers regularly gather and analyze data from both formative and summative assessments to glean insights into how well their students are understanding and mastering the material. That teacher then uses the insights that the data provides to adjust instructional methods and materials and, therefore, better provide for students’ instructional needs. Take a look at the 5 elements of data-driven instruction:

Three ways to put assessment data to work in the classroom

The following blog was contributed by Chase Nordengren, the principal research lead for the professional learning team at NWEA. The results of assessment, whether you’re using formative assessment strategies or an interim assessment like MAP® Growth™, can empower teachers and school leaders to inform instructional decisions. To ensure that your instruction promotes equity and empowers students, you need […]

Navigating Grief in the Classroom

The following blog was contributed by Laura Wei, M.Ed., School Success Specialist at Friendzy. Any educator who has taught during this pandemic understands the many challenges that surface throughout the school year – from handling changing learning models to the lack of digital resources, and more importantly, prioritizing the social-emotional well-being of students over academics. […]