The following blog was contributed by Anne Schafer-Salinas, director of virtual learning at Incarnate Word High School in San Antonio, TX. The 2020 – 2021 year is destined to be included in history books of the future. As the world emerges from pandemic living, schools are just as poised as any organization to learn from the […]
Category: Academic Excellence
Wondering where to go for college? A new directory of Catholic colleges and universities may help
The following blog was contributed by Quentin Wodon, the volunteer team lead for the Global Catholic Education website. In some countries, those considering enrolling in a Catholic college or university may have a choice between a few universities or none at all. In the United States, they have a choice between up to 250 Catholic […]
Five Ways to Include Disability in Equity Work
The following blog was contributed by Stephanie Cawthon, professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin and founding director of the National Deaf Center. Last year brought not only the COVID-19 pandemic, but also an intensification of the public consciousness and the need to recognize, unpack, and take action to remedy the deep […]
Now STREAM-ing: A Catholic Interdisciplinary Approach to Learning
The following blog was contributed by Allie Johnston from William H. Sadlier, Inc. STREAM is an acronym for a uniquely Catholic interdisciplinary approach. In this acronym, each letter stands for a discipline: S—science; T—technology; R—religion; E—engineering; A—art; and M—mathematics. Integrate them and you have STREAM, a vision and a framework that makes faith and Catholic […]
Phonics and the Science of Reading
The following blog was contributed by Wiley Blevins, an author and phonics specialist living in New York City. Mr. Blevins holds an M.Ed. from Harvard University. Recently, a national conversation in schools and the media has emerged around how we best teach our young learners to read. This conversation has been couched under the umbrella […]
Writing Lessons Anchored in Human Dignity
The following blog was contributed by John Brahier, a high school theology teacher at Divine Child High School in Dearborn, Michigan. During my second year of teaching, I had a very unique schedule. After my second-hour precalculus class, my sophomore theology students walked into the room for Church history. Given the sharp difference between the […]
Cross-disciplinary Teaching Resources Promote an Integral Vision of Life and Human Dignity
The following blog was contributed by Jessica Keating, the Director of the Notre Dame Office of Life and Human Dignity within the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame. For over 2000 years, the Catholic Church has proclaimed that every human person has inherent dignity and inestimable worth. Though one of […]
Distance Learning Best Practices
The following blog was contributed by Jill Annable, executive director for academic excellence at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) in Arlington, Virginia. The partnership between Catholic schools and the families we serve has undoubtedly strengthened in the past year. Live video feed has welcomed Catholic teachers into the homes of their students. Parents have […]
How to Help Families Support Math Learning at Home
The following blog was contributed by NWEA of Portland, Oregon. NWEA is a research-based, not-for-profit organization that supports students and educators worldwide by creating assessment solutions that precisely measure growth and proficiency—and provide insights to help tailor instruction. As this uncertain school year continues—and as research shows math is proving especially challenging for many students—there […]
On Being a Math Teacher
The following blog was contributed by Julieta Raymundo-Almayda, middle school math teacher at St. Anthony Catholic School in San Antonio, Texas. Hi all! My students, parents and colleagues call me Mrs. Almayda or Mrs. A. I am from San Antonio, TX. I’ve been teaching middle school and high school math for over 20 years. My […]