The following blog was contributed by Gena Schleimer, 7th and 8th Grade Science Teacher, Project Lead the Way Instructor and Science and STREAM Coordinator at St. Agnes Catholic School in Roeland Park, KS. When I began working as a 7th/8th Grade Science teacher at our school, I knew that I wanted to implement a STREAM […]
Category: Academic Excellence
How to Leverage Growth Data to Improve Student Learning
Growth data is powerful and can have an enormous impact for students, teachers, and administrators. For students, the more they understand their own assessment results, the better they’ll be able to self-motivate and make the most out of learning. Here are 3 ways students can leverage growth data: To help create a positive growth mindset. […]
Utilizing Podcasts as a Writing Activity
The following blog was contributed by Kim Chi Pham, middle school ELA teacher from Holy Family School in San Jose, CA. How can I empower students, and at the same time, save ME time by having them do the work that ultimately helps them learn and practice skills? That was the question that jump-started my […]
What is digital literacy and why does it matter to Catholic students?
What does the term “digital literacy” mean to you? The recent NCEA webinar on The Critical Role of Digital Reading in Literacy Growth explored how digital literacy involves much more than just reading books electronically. It encompasses 21st-century skills related to the effective and appropriate use of technology. The American Library Association (ALA) defines digital literacy […]
How to Turn Your Classroom into a Digital Art Museum
The following blog was contributed by Claire Albano Fisse, Customer Relationship Manager, Eastern Region, FACTS. “Art is the signature of civilizations.” – Beverly Sills As a high school history teacher, I found myself being challenged to bring art into my history classroom in creative ways, and I was perplexed with how to “meet the students […]
Shark Tank Lesson Plans
Hetzelfde effect van Viagra werd bij alle mannen waargenomen, dus werd besloten het middel te positioneren als een middel tegen seksuele impotentie. Geleidelijk aan begonnen er analogen (generieke geneesmiddelen) te verschijnen, maar die geven geen gegarandeerd resultaat en zijn vaak niet zo doeltreffend als het oorspronkelijke geneesmiddel Viagra. This article appeared originally in EVERFI’s […]
10 Must-Ask Questions When Evaluating Student Growth Assessments
It’s important for educators to evaluate their current assessment tools and determine what makes a strong student growth assessment. Being able to demonstrate academic growth to state stakeholders, school boards, and parents is vital, as is meeting school and diocesan goals. To that end, choosing the best growth measurement tool is paramount, for the school, […]
Yes, There’s Science Behind Improving Students’ SEL Skills
The following blog was contributed by Jonathan Martin, Program Director, Partner Engagement at ACT, Inc. Soft skills, 21st century skills, life skills, social and emotional learning (SEL)—call it what you will—semantics aside, the idea that nonacademic factors like empathy, self-awareness and self-management are critical to student success is no longer up for debate. In fact, […]
A Better Test
This article appeared originally in the National Review and was written by John J. Miller, national correspondent for the National Review and the director of the Dow Journalism Program at Hillsdale College. Jeremy Tate remembers when he tried to inspire his high-school students with talk of great things. “I brought up ethics, astronomy, and more,” […]
The Kids Who Watched
The following article was contributed by Andrea Chavez-Kopp, M.Ed., Assistant Director for Educational and Formation Programs. I was a young high school teacher at St. John Neumann Catholic High School in Naples, FL on September 11, 2001. I remember it vividly. The principal was going door to door and telling teachers to turn on their TV sets…something was happening. My 11th grade, […]