Amidst societal upheaval and educational instability, Catholic schools have emerged as beacons of stability, reversing years of enrollment decline. Faced with challenges such as technological shifts, demographic changes and the pandemic’s impact, these institutions have adapted strategically. This resilience underscores their enduring commitment to providing a grounded, faith-based education in a world that often seems in flux.
Category: Governance and Leadership
Educational Leadership: Weathering the Storm
To weather the storm in which most leaders find themselves, a new way of seeing, thinking and leading needs to be embraced to equip leaders with the challenges they face.
Weaving a Richer Tapestry: Inviting, Welcoming, and Supporting Teachers of Color in Catholic Schools
We’ve learned that intentional, relationship-centered efforts can attract and invite promising candidates of color to consider a vocation in Catholic education.
Tapping the Shoulders of Future Catholic School Administrators
How do we inspire others to take on leadership roles? Here are three approaches to help shoulder the responsibility of nurturing future leaders.
Catholic Schools Week: A Celebration of Faith and Community
Here are several guidelines to capture the essence of CSW and ensure your festivities remain distinctly Catholic, high-quality and dedicated to cherishing the heartbeat of our schools—the people!
National Catholic School Principal’s Appreciation Day!
Written by Karen Barreras, Director of Leadership Engagement, NCEA, [email protected] Please remember to celebrate your school’s principal today! During a spelling lesson when I was in elementary school, my teacher gave us a clue to remember the difference between the words principle and principal. Simply, our principal could be remembered as being our “pal.” As […]
You may have heard CHESCS and wondered …Who ?
CHESCS works with NCEA to create links and relationships between Catholic higher education and Catholic P-12 education.
Why Participate in Federal Education Programs?
Written by Sr. Dale McDonald, Vice President of Public Policy, NCEA, [email protected] There are several federally funded education programs that Catholic school principals and superintendents can access for their students and teachers to receive supplemental services designed to enhance learning opportunities. Among these there are two programs that most Catholic and other private schools participate […]
Effective Boards are Rarely Bored!
Written by Karen Barreras, NCEA Director of Leadership Engagement [email protected] Decades ago, as a parent of children in a Catholic school, I completed my required service hours (and more) by volunteering for the Parents Club. We had a fun time preparing for fundraisers and support for our beloved school. After my children graduated, I was […]
What if our Job as a Principal is the Interruptions?
Written by Laura MacDonald, Director of Professional Learning, NCEA, [email protected] This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice in it and be glad. -Psalm 118:24 Instead of checking items off my to-do list, I found my checklist was becoming longer as the school day went on. There were so many “interruptions”; I […]