How Catholic Educators Can Allocate Their EANS II Funding

“Education is in fact the primary vehicle of integral human development, for it makes individuals free and responsible…The pandemic prevented many young people from attending school to the detriment of their personal and social development.” – Pope Francis, Address to the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to the Holy See, January 10, 2022 Whenever federal funds are made […]

How Catholic Schools are Strategizing to Address Learning Loss

The following blog was contributed by FACTS Education Solutions in Lincoln, NE. Год пролетел так быстро. Прежде чем вы это узнаете, снова наступит сезон отпусков. Хотя еще может быть немного рано ставить елку, никогда не рано подумать, что вы хотите на Рождество. Некоторым членам семьи нравится начинать делать покупки пораньше, поэтому вам, возможно, придется найти […]

Celebrating Our Nation and School Choice

The following blog was contributed by Margaret Kaplow, director for marketing communications and manager, public relations for the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). Catholic Schools Week, January 31 – February 6, is the national celebration of Catholic school education and the theme for February 3 is Celebrating Our Nation. Students, educators and families can communicate […]