The following blog was contributed by Sister Mary Angela Shaughnessy, SC, Ph.D., JD, director of the Education Law Symposium co-sponsored by NCEA and LMU School of Education at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, CA. Do you ever wish you could spend a couple days to become up to date on matters related to school law? […]
Category: Governance and Leadership
Five Decisions That Demand High-Quality Assessment Data
The following blog was contributed by NWEA. Many conditions that contribute to student skill and knowledge gaps are beyond an educator’s control. Learners bring to the classroom outside factors such as socioeconomic status, vocabulary deficits, and even past traumas. The obstacles are real but not impossible to overcome. A 2018 NWEA® study examined the connection between school […]
Effectively Using ESEA Title III, Part A Programs for English Language Learners
The following blog was contributed by Dale McDonald, PBVM, Ph.D., NCEA Vice President of Public Policy. Do you have English Language Learners in your Catholic school? Have you heard of Title III-A? As Catholic school educators engage in their mission to serve all students, it is important our private schools receive the aid they are […]
A Preview of What’s to Come at CLS – October 16 – 19, 2022 in Arlington, VA
Dear All: In my years of service as a diocesan superintendent, NCEA’s Catholic Leadership Summit was always a highlight. I knew that I would return to my diocese with at least one big idea that would inform my priorities for the next year. In addition, I looked forward to broadening my network of fellow leaders […]
From Lincoln’s Desk – Upcoming Changes at NCEA
Dear Members: I am writing to let you know of upcoming changes at NCEA, and how we will implement new positions to engage with membership at all levels. Jill Annable, senior vice president for programs, will be leaving NCEA on July 15 to serve Catholic schools as a consultant through the Andrew M. Greeley Center […]
Fair Parental Choice in Catholic School Education
The following blog was contributed by Sister Dale McDonald, PBVM, Ph.D., NCEA Vice President of Public Policy. For decades, NCEA has supported parental choice in education as a component of the social justice agenda of the Catholic church. The choice movement is about supporting parents as the primary educators of their children and assisting […]
Parents’ Rights in Education
The following blog was contributed by Reverend Peter M.J. Stravinskas, Ph.D., S.T.D., co-author with Reverend Nicholas L. Gregoris, S.T.D., of The Mission of Catholic Schools: A Century of Reflection and Direction. Father Stravinskas has highlighted the following excerpts from the book that specifically affirm the Church’s position on parental choice for schools. The book is […]
How Catholic Educators Can Allocate Their EANS II Funding
“Education is in fact the primary vehicle of integral human development, for it makes individuals free and responsible…The pandemic prevented many young people from attending school to the detriment of their personal and social development.” – Pope Francis, Address to the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to the Holy See, January 10, 2022 Whenever federal funds are made […]
How Catholic Schools are Strategizing to Address Learning Loss
The following blog was contributed by FACTS Education Solutions in Lincoln, NE. Год пролетел так быстро. Прежде чем вы это узнаете, снова наступит сезон отпусков. Хотя еще может быть немного рано ставить елку, никогда не рано подумать, что вы хотите на Рождество. Некоторым членам семьи нравится начинать делать покупки пораньше, поэтому вам, возможно, придется найти […]
Growing Leadership in Catholic Schools
The following blog was contributed by Kathy Mears of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). Leaders come in all shapes and sizes and from all types of backgrounds. In Catholic education, we are seeking diversity. We are seeking leaders who look more like the students we are serving. This particular initially can display as issues with puncture, […]