Fundraiser vs. Institution Builder: A Preferred Leadership Profile for Catholic Schools- Part 3

In this three-part series, Bob Regan discusses the most effective traits in a transformational school leader. In Part I of this blog series discussing the “fundraiser fallacy,” Bob suggested that fundraising, while an important element in the preferred leadership profile for Catholic schools, is insufficient in achieving transformational change and he laid the groundwork for […]

Webinar: Edcamps: A Free and Teacher-Driven Professional Development Movement

  Join NCEA on Wednesday, January 11 for the Edcamps: A Free and Teacher-Driven Professional Development Movement webinar. Webinar Description: Have you ever participated in a professional development event that you felt wasted your time, didn’t address your needs or was a waste of money? If so, it is time for you to consider Edcamp […]

NCEA 2016 Convention & Expo Presenter Snaps – Dr. Timothy Dickel

This post was contributed by Dr. Timothy Dickel, President of Mater Dei High School in Evansville, Indiana. Please join us on Wednesday, March 30 (1:30-2:25PM)) as Dr. Timothy Dickel will present “Ensuring Long-Term Sustainability through the Establishment and Growth of a Planned Giving Society”. Ensuring Long-Term Sustainability through the Establishment and Growth of a Planned […]

E-Rate Reminder

This post was contributed by Dale McDonald, PBVM, PhD, NCEA Director of Public Policy. The 2016 E-Rate Application period opened on February 3 and will close on April 29.  Since almost 4 billion dollars will be available for discounted services, this is an opportunity to acquire or enhance broadband connectivity for classrooms. Every school should […]

Monthly Message from NCEA President – September 2015

  Another faith-filled and academically excellent school year is upon us! NCEA has kicked off the school year with our new organizational structure to carry out our mission to Lead, Learn and Proclaim. New staff members have joined the association, bringing fresh ideas and great enthusiasm. Having recently upgraded our technology infrastructure, we have now […]

Reminder: Register for 2015 NCEA Catholic Leadership Summit

Don’t forget to register for the 2015 NCEA Catholic Leadership Summit held at the Sheraton Atlanta from October 18-21, 2015. Early bird rate closes August 31. Formerly known as the CACE meeting, the NCEA Catholic Leadership Summit is open to all NCEA members who are arch/diocesan directors who serve Catholic schools and CHESCS members.  The meeting consists […]

Monday Morning Meeting: Implementing Digital Days

On Mondays, NCEA Talk presents member submitted topic or question for discussion. Share your knowledge and resources with your Catholic school educators across the country by emailing [email protected]. This week’s member submitted question – for diocesan leaders: The Mid-Atlantic superintendents are seeking guidelines or policies for implementing “digital days” or virtual school during inclement weather.  If you […]