Catholic Schools: Stewards of our Common Home – Ideas for Catholic Schools

In Laudato Si, Pope Francis’s 2015 encyclical on the environment, he urged all to be good stewards of God’s creation. Brother Robert Bimonte, President of the National Catholic Educational Association, accepted Tom Burnford’s, Archdiocese of Washington’s Secretary for Education, challenge to #WalkwithFrancis. NCEA now challenge the 6,500 Catholic schools across the country, starting with the […]

Reminder: Register for 2015 NCEA Catholic Leadership Summit

Don’t forget to register for the 2015 NCEA Catholic Leadership Summit held at the Sheraton Atlanta from October 18-21, 2015. Early bird rate closes August 31. Formerly known as the CACE meeting, the NCEA Catholic Leadership Summit is open to all NCEA members who are arch/diocesan directors who serve Catholic schools and CHESCS members.  The meeting consists […]

Weekly Round Up 8/21/15

Didn’t have the chance to check in with NCEA Talk each day? We’ve got you covered. Each Friday NCEA Talk will post a roundup of Catholic education news and resources from the week. In case you missed it… Lead: Registration is now open for Catholic Leadership Summit  Learn: Going to the Outskirts: A Call to […]

USCCB Presents Welcome Day 2015 Kit

The following post is a resource shared through USCCB: Pope Francis’ visit to the United States, September 22 to 27 provides the church a wonderful opportunity to reach out to its neighbors in the spirit of the New Evangelization. To build on the excitement surrounding the historic event you are encouraged to host a Welcome Day […]

Going to the Outskirts: A Call to Catholic Educators

The National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) will be attending the Eighth World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia this September!  In addition to sharing resources and information to attendees at the event, NCEA will also be providing online resources and social media opportunities for Catholic school educators nationwide. Please visit to learn more. For those […]

WEEKLY ROUND UP 07/31/2015

  Didn’t have the chance to check in with NCEA Talk each day? We’ve got you covered. Each Friday NCEA Talk will post a roundup of Catholic education news and resources from the week. In case you missed it… Why Catholic School Reform Isn’t Like Other School Reforms Pope’s Visit to East Harlem School Highlights […]