Monday Morning Meeting: Implementing Digital Days

On Mondays, NCEA Talk presents member submitted topic or question for discussion. Share your knowledge and resources with your Catholic school educators across the country by emailing [email protected]. This week’s member submitted question – for diocesan leaders: The Mid-Atlantic superintendents are seeking guidelines or policies for implementing “digital days” or virtual school during inclement weather.  If you […]

Weekly Round Up — 3/6/2015

Didn’t have the chance to check in with NCEA Talk each day? We’ve got you covered. Each Friday NCEA Talk will post a round up of Catholic education news and resources from the week. In case you missed it… Monday Morning Meeting – Share your knowledge and resources with your Catholic school educators across the country by […]

NCEA 2015 Award Winners In the News

The National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) and its membership departments recognize the countless professional individuals, organizations, and students that are ambassadors of Catholic education, and are honored to provide many award opportunities to express accolades for their dedication and support. Our NCEA 2015 Award Winners are now posted on our website. To see a full […]

Leadership Succession Planning Webinar

From the authors of NCEA’s Leadership Succession Planning in Catholic Education: An Ongoing Plan for Leadership Development, Identification, and Selection publication, this webinar will provide practical information and in-depth discussion on the steps within the process of leadership succession planning. Members are invited to join Anthony Sabatino, Ed.D. Clinical Associate Professor, Loyola Marymount University and Mary Fitzgerald, SSND Assistant Professor Notre […]

Monday Morning Meeting: Diocesan Data Strategy

On Mondays, NCEA Talk presents member submitted topic or question for discussion. Share your knowledge and resources with your Catholic school educators across the country by emailing [email protected]. This week’s member submitted question – for diocesan leaders: Has your diocese developed a Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment strategy that integrates and shares data from a student information […]

Good Shepherd Regional Honors Brave Officials

NCEA is pleased to share the wonderful stories happening in Catholic schools. To share your story, please email [email protected]. During Catholic Schools Week, the students, faculty and staff of Good Shepherd Regional Catholic School in Ardsley, Pennsylvania welcomed peace officers including police, firefighters, EMTs and other first responders from five municipalities in the eastern Montgomery […]

University of Notre Dame Center for STEM Education: Accepting Applications for Trustey Family STEM Teaching Fellows

Students in our nation’s schools deserve the highest quality STEM education we can offer. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics provide students opportunities to explore, understand, and design solutions for the world around them. The Trustey Family STEM Teaching Fellows is a unique, competitive, and formative program focused on increasing student interest and learning in STEM […]