The following blog was contributed by Philip Dujardin, theology teacher at the Cambridge Matignon School in Cambridge, MA. Our Catholic schools have been nurturing the faith and evangelizing to families since they were established. In fact, nurturing and sharing the faith have always been their primary purposes. They should be celebrated in this time of […]
Encountering the Humanity of the Unborn through Pro-Life Teaching Resources
The following blog was contributed by Colleen Halpin, theology and mathematics teacher at St. Joseph Catholic High School in Ogden, Utah. If education is to be transformative, it must engage the mind, capture the imagination, and spark a desire for real engagement with the world. Julián Carrón writes, “Education is not explaining reality or forming […]
Writing Lessons Anchored in Human Dignity
The following blog was contributed by John Brahier, a high school theology teacher at Divine Child High School in Dearborn, Michigan. During my second year of teaching, I had a very unique schedule. After my second-hour precalculus class, my sophomore theology students walked into the room for Church history. Given the sharp difference between the […]
Cross-disciplinary Teaching Resources Promote an Integral Vision of Life and Human Dignity
The following blog was contributed by Jessica Keating, the Director of the Notre Dame Office of Life and Human Dignity within the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame. For over 2000 years, the Catholic Church has proclaimed that every human person has inherent dignity and inestimable worth. Though one of […]
Catholic School Enrollment and School Closures, Post-COVID-19
The following blog was contributed by Matthew Cordes, associate director of schools, Office for Schools, Diocese of San Diego. Reviewing the Catholic School Enrollment and School Closure, Post COVID-19 report left me feeling connected to the rest of our nation’s Catholic schools. The Diocese of San Diego was a microcosm of the national report. Our […]
The Serious Work for Catholic Schools Begins Now
The following blog was contributed by John James, Ed.D., professor of educational leadership at St. Louis University School of Education. Catholic schools stand as an exemplar and a contradiction. They serve as a powerful creator of social capital, a point of engagement with families for the Church and a powerful disciple-making tool; but operate within […]
A Look at Catholic School Data
The following blog was contributed by Dale McDonald, PBVM, Ph.D., NCEA Director of Public Policy and Educational Research. Not another survey! I often hear that from busy Catholic school educators to whom surveys and other appeals for information seem ever-present. Requests to complete surveys often require several follow-up pleading reminders to those being asked for […]
Our Obligation Is Today
The following blog was contributed by John Reyes, Ed.D., executive director of operational vitality at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). Yesterday, we released a data brief highlighting some of the most important findings of our annual research on school enrollment and staffing in Catholic elementary and secondary schools in the United States. Since the […]
Introducing ShopWithScrip Gift Card Fundraising
The following blog was contributed by ShopWithScrip, the largest gift card fundraising platform in the United States, supporting Catholic schools and other organizations to raise money to use where it’s needed the most—whether it be family tuition credit, classroom enhancements, class trips, operating funds, scholarship needs, or more. A safer and easier way for your […]
Years of Choice and Grace
The following blog was contributed by Sr. Mary Paul McCaughey, coordinator of DePaul University Catholic Educational Leadership Programs and author of the new book, Grace and Guts for School Leaders: Practical Prayers. At 72 years old and almost 54 years after entering the convent, I am still clueless about my vocation. This is an honest […]