The following blog was contributed by Clare Kilbane, Ph.D., a faculty member at the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame. Follow her on Twitter @ClareRKilbane. This article was originally published on the McGrath Institute blog and is being offered here with permission from the publisher. Going ‘back to school’ always involves a transition […]
Assessment in Any Learning Environment: What teachers and administrators need to know about remote testing
The following blog was contributed by Dr. Gene Kerns, Chief Academic Officer at Renaissance Learning, Inc. Back-to-School 2020 involves new challenges. Catholic educators must make distance learning work, full or part time. But will formative assessments be accurate and reliable when administered remotely? The answer is “yes.” With the right planning and processes, you can […]
“Be Nimble”: Words for Schools to Live By in the Time of Remote Learning
The following blog was contributed by Jan Coonrod, chemistry teacher at Bishop O’Dowd High School in Oakland, California and this year’s winner of the Presidential Award for Math and Science Teaching for California in the area of science. Many of us are feeling no small amount of trepidation about opening up our school year with […]
A Catholic Approach to Face Masks…Unmasked!
The following blog was contributed by Clare Kilbane, Ph.D., a faculty member at the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame. Follow her on Twitter @ClareRKilbane The scientific evidence is clear that wearing face masks reduces the transmission of COVID-19. However, there continues to be a lot of social controversy about […]
Finding Hope When You’re Feeling “Teacher Tired”
The following blog was contributed by John Reyes, Ed.D., executive director for operational vitality at the National Catholic Educational Association in Arlington, VA. I once saw a Tweet a few years back from a university professor who, after a day’s worth of demo lessons several years removed from the classroom, talked about being “teacher tired” […]
Are Catholic Schools Small Businesses?
The following blog was contributed by Philip Dujardin, a theology teacher at Matignon High School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Our daughters’ Catholic school was in a crisis. At one particular intense meeting, a priest assigned to hearing parent concerns made mention of a philosophy that is gaining popularity among Catholic leaders: Every school must financially support […]
Sowing the Seeds of Academic Excellence
The following blog was contributed by Tina Moore, vice principal and middle school religion teacher at Blessed Sacrament Catholic School in Charleston, SC. She has taught in Catholic schools for 20 years, with 16 at BSCS. Tina’s passions are God, family and walking with young people in their journey to Christ. Listen, understand with your […]
We Are Made for Each Other
The following blog was contributed by Christian Dallavis, Assistant Superintendent for Partnership Schools in New York, NY. Reprinted with permission. “Are we going back?” “What will it look like?” School leaders are hearing these questions every day at the start of July 2020, and they are anxious to answer them. Soon, every school in America […]
The New Back to School Reality: A Masterclass on Bullying Prevention and Working with Parents
The following blog was contributed by Jodee Blanco, New York Times best-selling author and consultant. We’ve never seen a back to school like this before. We’ve also never had an opportunity like this before either. Challenge and uncertainty, when met with faith, optimism, hope and resolve, can become blessed catalysts for growth and even unexpected […]
Focus your efforts: Identifying what matters most to close learning gaps for back-to-school student success
The following blog was contributed by Dr. Gene Kerns, Chief Academic Officer at Renaissance Learning, Inc. Note: This is an excerpt from a blog series on using assessment data to address learning gaps during the 2020–2021 school year. To read the series, click here. As you reflect on the many unknowns around Back-to-School, you may feel […]