Top Ten List for Working With Your Pastor

This article was contributed by Kathy House, principal of Christ the King Catholic School in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Welcoming New Students

Catholic schools are built on a legacy of excellence.  Developing dynamic leadership in Catholic schools is crucial to ensuring that all the hard work of those who came before us is maintained and guarantees that Catholic schools continue to thrive for future generations of children.  The principal/pastor relationship is a vital component.  I have been a principal for 22 years and have worked with amazing pastors.  Here are some of the things I have learned along the way

Invite to NCEA

Top Ten List of Suggestions for Working With Your Pastor

  1. Interview teachers together.  I prescreen applicants and set up appointments with the prospective teachers that I think are promising.  My pastor attends the interview and we each ask questions.   At any point if Msgr. is happy with the candidate and wants to give me the go ahead to offer the position he takes off his glasses and sets them on my desk.  From then it is totally my decision to offer the job or wait for another interview.  It is important for teachers to see that we work as a team from the very beginning.
  2. Invite the pastor to faculty meetings.  My pastor begins teacher in-service week with a faculty mass and speaks to the faculty at the opening faculty meeting.  He is welcome to speak at any faculty meetings thru out the year.  He has a Mass at the end of the school year before the teachers leave for summer vacation to thank them for all their hard work.
  3. Connect the pastor to school families by including a letter from the pastor in the policy manual or a video clip from the pastor in the welcome video on the school website. Invite the pastor to new family orientation and open house for prospective students.
  4. Build a two-way street by encouraging school faculty to participate in parish activities and to serve as Eucharistic ministers at weekend masses. Also, invite parish catechists to join the school faculty for any workshops the school offers their religion teachers.
  5. Give the school calendar to the pastor’s secretary early in the summer. Highlight, bold, put smiley faces…whatever it takes to let them know what school events you REALLY need the pastor to attend.  Get on his calendar early before he books up.
  6. Make it easy for the pastor to welcome new children on the first day of school. Give him class lists with new children’s names in BOLD   My pastor likes to call the children up to the altar at the first all school mass to welcome them to our school.
  7. Have our pastor’s back!!! Give our pastor your full support and respect.  Give him a head’s up of any issues that he might be called in on.  If I have a burning issue that is escalating, I generally set up a meeting for my pastor and me to meet with the party together.  That way we all hear the same story at the same time.
  8. Make your pastor an important part of the academic life of the students by inviting him to pass out report cards each nine weeks. Our pastor makes positive comments and kids know he is paying attention to their hard work.
  9. Let your pastor know when a child or faculty member is going to have surgery. Our pastor anoints the person with oil in a service including the child’s classmates and family members.
  10. Invite your pastor to attend the NCEA convention. There are so many wonderful sessions and liturgies that help pastors learn more about leading a Catholic school.  It is a perfect opportunity to network with other Catholic educators from around the country