Didn’t have the chance to check in with NCEA Talk each day? We’ve got you covered.
- Disciple of Christ – Education in Virtue – Wednesday, May 15, 2019, 4 PM EDT
Professional Development
- Mark your calendars for Summer Professional Development!
- Registration is now open for the 2019 NCEA New Directions STREAM 3.0 Conference, which is taking place June 17 – 19, 2019 in Parsippany, NJ. More information about this innovative and engaging conference is available at www.NCEA.org/stream.
- The Brown Hotel in Louisville, KY is once again the host hotel for the Seventeenth Annual Education Law Symposium (July 11 – 14, 2019). Registration is now available on the event website. Questions and requests for more information can be directed to [email protected].
- Registration is now open for the Institute for Catholic School Leaders (ICSL), which is taking place July 14 – 17, 2019 in Indianapolis, IN. Check out the preliminary program at www.NCEA.org/icsl to learn more about the dynamic Focused Content Sessions and break-out sessions offered at this year’s Institute. There is a preview of one of the Focused Content Sessions, Purpose and Emotion: Transforming from Manager to Leader, on NCEA’s YouTube channel. To learn more about an engaging session offered at the Institute, please read Amy Fry’s article, “Struggling Catholic Schools Need Not Close.”
- The Religious Freedom Center of the Freedom Forum Institute will host the Summer Religious Studies Institute at the Newseum. The program will convene K-12 independent school educators in the nation’s capital to explore issues of religious literacy, civil dialogue, and the challenges and opportunities of navigating religious diversity in the classroom.
- The Catholic Education Foundation invites bishops, priests and seminarians to participate in an intensive and comprehensive four-day seminar, “The Role of the Priest in Today’s Catholic School.” From 4 PM, July 16, to 4 PM, July 19, 2019 (with accommodations available a day earlier or later) at Seton Hall University in South Orange, NJ.
Major Announcements & Deadlines
- The Call for Proposals for NCEA 2020 is now open! You may submit a proposal for a session at the NCEA 2020 Convention & Expo taking place April 14 – 16 in Baltimore, MD!
- NCEA 2020 Convention & Expo will be April 14 – 16 in Baltimore! To be among the first to know about convention-related news, especially if you’re interested in our sports, marketing and exceptional learner events, share your information and we’ll take care of the rest.
- Just Released! English Learners White Paper – “Encountering, Embracing and Educating: Answering Our Call to Serve Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students.” The white paper provides a solid rationale for our Catholic schools in serving and supporting linguistically and culturally diverse students, a discussion around the potential challenges in executing this mission and a roadmap for future implementation and success.
- Please see the attached job announcement for the NCEA Chief Program Officer (CPO). The CPO reports to the president/CEO, and is part of a four person senior leadership team including the president/CEO, chief advancement and business development officer and chief administrative officer. Information regarding the job and application requirements is provided in the job announcement.
- This summer, the International Office of Catholic Education OIEC 2019 World Congress will be in New York, June 5 – 8, 2019, at Fordham University, Lincoln Campus. The OIEC hopes to welcome at least 1,000 people from around the world, representing about 210,000 schools in more than 100 countries — 46 million students. For more information and to register for the congress, go to: https://www.oieccongress.com.
Relevant Resources
- You are invited to read and enjoy the only magazine focused solely on “Accessibility, Compliance & EQUITY” in education. It’s AC&E, the free, fully online journal recognizing the needs of “Every Student, Every School, Every Day” for every educator.
- On March 21, 2019, Pope Francis joined 3 young women to contribute a line of code to an app, became the first Pope to program a computer, and called on students globally to learn computer science for world peace.
- The Office of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Columbus published an outstanding document called “A Teacher’s Guide to Standards-Based Grading and Reporting.” Members of the Standards-based Grading Team as well as the members of the Office of Religious Education and Catechesis worked hard to define the essential standards and then to link those standards to the diocesan courses of study.
- Please share this month’s Parent News flyer (in English and Spanish) with your school families. Previous Parent News flyers are available on the NCEA website.
- The Spring 2019 issue of Momentum is now available online!
- Check out our new and improved IFG: ACRE and Adult Survey programs.