Tips for Successful Administration of the Affective Battery of the IFG:ACRE

This blog was contributed by Andrea Chavez-Kopp, Director of Formation and Digital Engagement at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) in Arlington, VA. Students are familiar with standardized assessments in other content areas, so when asked to participate in the Assessment of Children/Youth Religious Education (ACRE), it is important to approach administration of this tool […]

Creating a Positive School Climate

The following blog was contributed by Chyrise King, Ph.D., who will be presenting “Creating a Positive School Climate” at the 2019 NCEA Institute for Catholic School Leaders (ICSL 2019), July 14-17 in Indianapolis. REGISTER NOW! ICSL 2019 is an engaging professional development opportunity for principals, aspiring principals, presidents, diocesan leaders, pastors, and board members. The preliminary […]

The Way (Truth and Life) of the Cross: Reflecting on the Road to Calvary through the Temptations of Jesus Christ

Typology is defined as the study and interpretation of types and symbols that, from a theological perspective, views the Old Testament people and stories as foreshadowing New Testament events. A primary example of typology from sacred scripture points to Jesus as the New of 2nd Adam. The first Adam, who in the Garden of Eden […]