Nominate a Computer Science Champion of Change

December 7-13, 2015 is Computer Science Education Week 2015! To celebrate and recognize those making a positive difference in the field, the Office of Non-Public Education wants to hear about the remarkable computer science educators and computer savvy students in your community. This includes those in the private and home school communities. If you know a […]

A President’s Role in Catholic Identity

The following post has been contributed by Deacon Paul S. Lunsford, President, Guerin Catholic High School, Noblessville, Indiana. I am often asked to describe the role of a president at a Catholic high school. I generally respond that a president holds the school to its mission and purpose. This inevitably raises the question: What is […]

Living the Heart of Mercy This Year

The following post was contributed by Lisa Orchen, M.Div, Catholic Schools Outreach Coordinator, STEP, University of Notre Dame. This time of year, Catholic schools around the country often collect food to provide Thanksgiving, Christmas and other holiday meals for people in their local community.  How can you as a Catholic school educators encase this Work of Mercy with education […]