Setting the Table: A Guide for Diversified Program Development in Catholic Schools

The following blog was contributed by Crystal Brooks, director of inclusion at Notre Dame Preparatory in Scottsdale, AZ, and Colleen McCoy-Cejka, Catholic school teacher, principal and assistant superintendent in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and the Dioceses of Gary and Phoenix. Crystal and Colleen are the co-authors of Setting the Table: A Guide for Diversified Learner […]

Play Like A Champion: Following the Vatican’s Lead to Elevate the Culture of American Sport

The following blog was contributed by Kristin Komyatte Sheehan, Program Director, Pete Piscitello, Manager of Outreach and Operation Support, and Dr. Clark Power, Founder & Director of Play Like a Champion Today in Notre Dame, Indiana. In the midst of an ordinary spring, those of us involved in youth and high school sports would be […]

Positive Psychology: Focusing on Strengths and the Cultivation of Well-being and Happiness

This blog was contributed by Matthew Breuninger, M.A., Psy.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology at Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio. Dr. Breuninger is also a licensed clinical psychologist. As a clinical psychologist and a college professor, I find myself profoundly aware of the mental health issues and concerns that plague many of our students. Research […]

What Is STREAMing?

The following blog was contributed by Meg Draeger, STEMM Coordinator at Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School in Dayton, OH. Just a little more than a month after attending the sold out NCEA STREAM 3.0 Conference in Parsippany, with more than 300 other STREAM educators from around the country, I’ve had some time to reflect on […]