This blog was contributed by Meg Draeger, STEMM Coordinator at Chaminade Julienne High School in Dayton, OH. I am looking forward to the upcoming STREAM 3.0 Conference. I had the privilege to attend and present at the inaugural NCEA STREAM Conference held at the University of Dayton in 2014. The school where I work is […]
Category: Academic Excellence
STREAM and Social Media – A Perfect Blend
The following blog was contributed by Nancy Caramanico, Digital Technology Specialist at E2Today: Educate and Engage. A video that accompanies this blog is available online. Today’s digital tools provide excellent means for sharing powerful student work. Created with digital tools, student work is augmented through communication and collaboration with others in digital spaces. One only […]
Engaging Students in Conversational Catechesis: Accompaniment and Instruction
The following blog was contributed by Becca Meagher, Campus Minister, Theology Teacher, and Red Knight Volunteer Corps Coordinator, at Benilde-St. Margaret’s School in St. Louis Park, MN. Becca Meagher will be presenting “Engaging Students in Conversational Catechesis: Accompaniment and Instruction” at the 2019 NCEA Institute for Catholic School Leaders (ICSL 2019), July 14-17 in Indianapolis. SAVE […]
Making STREAM More Than a Buzzword
The following blog was contributed by Sarah Kerins, Ed.D., Principal at Pope John Paul II Regional Catholic Elementary School in West Brandywine, PA. As Catholic administrators, our aim is to implement a vision for our school which is to be first and foremost driven by our Catholic mission as well as academically excellent. Many schools […]
STEM Challenge Introduces Young Learners to Design Thinking
The following blog was contributed by Mary E. Petrie, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Department Chair, PROPEL Program Leader and Engineering Teacher at Catholic Memorial High School in Waukesha, WI. What happens when you put 265 middle school students from 28 different public and private schools and 74 high school students together in a gym, divide them […]
Preventing the Summer Slide: How to Keep Catholic Students Reading All Summer Long
“Students who participate in quality summer learning programs realize the benefits for at least two years. It is critical that we keep Catholic students engaged in reading over the summer.” The summer slide—reading loss that happens when students are not in school during the summer—is a well-documented reality that is a challenge for both educators and […]
STEM Integration: Facilitating a Lasting Cultural Shift Beyond the Classroom
The following article was contributed by Megan Schaller, science teacher and STEM coordinator at St. Barnabas School in Indianapolis, IN. STEM education has certainly been an increasingly prevalent topic in schools across the country for several years now and for good reason. Leaders in education, industry and government recognize the critical need for our youngest […]
Cultivate Resilient, Self-Reliant Students – Practices of Home and School
The following blog was contributed by Sr. Patricia M. McCormack, IHM, Ed.D., Director of the IHM Office of Formative Support for Parents and Teachers in Philadelphia, PA. Sr. Pat will be presenting, “Cultivate Resilient, Self-Reliant Students – Practices of Home and School” at the 2019 NCEA Institute for Catholic School Leaders (ICSL 2019), July 14-17 […]
Catholic Climate Covenant and Creighton University Partnering to Sponsor a Conference Series
This summer, Catholic Climate Covenant and Creighton University are partnering to sponsor the inaugural gathering of “Laudato Si’ and the U.S. Catholic Church: A Conference Series on Our Common Home.” Catholic Climate Covenant is a national partnership organization, of which the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is a founding member. The event will be held […]
Avoiding the Band-aid Approach to Special Education
The following blog was contributed by Michael J. Boyle, Ph.D., Director, Andrew M. Greeley Center for Catholic Education & Clinical Assistant Professor, Administration and Supervision, Loyola University Chicago. Michael J. Boyle, Ph.D. will be presenting, “A Systems Approach to Serving Students with Disabilities” at the 2019 NCEA Institute for Catholic School Leaders (ICSL 2019), July […]