The following post has been contributed by Deacon Paul S. Lunsford, President, Guerin Catholic High School, Noblessville, Indiana. I am often asked to describe the role of a president at a Catholic high school. I generally respond that a president holds the school to its mission and purpose. This inevitably raises the question: What is […]
Blessings This Advent Season
As we join together with family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving, we invite you to share in the following message of thanks and mercy. Please click on the video below for our message to you as we prepare for Advent and the beginning of the new Church year.
Living the Heart of Mercy This Year
The following post was contributed by Lisa Orchen, M.Div, Catholic Schools Outreach Coordinator, STEP, University of Notre Dame. This time of year, Catholic schools around the country often collect food to provide Thanksgiving, Christmas and other holiday meals for people in their local community. How can you as a Catholic school educators encase this Work of Mercy with education […]
Didn’t have the chance to check in with NCEA Talk each day? We’ve got you covered. Each Friday NCEA Talk will post a roundup of Catholic education news and resources from the week. In case you missed it… Thanksgiving 2015 Resources NCEA Board President to Serve as Chairman on USCCB’s Committee on Catholic Education 26th […]
Thanksgiving 2015 Resources
The following contribution is contributed by Lucy Shufflebarger, Administrative Assistant for the Leadership Development team at NCEA. NCEA is pleased to share special resources for Thanksgiving including a prayer service and classroom activities. The focus of this Thanksgiving Prayer Service, which can be used in a faculty meeting as well as in the classroom, is […]
Meet Laura Webster: Our First Social Media Contest Winner!
This article was contributed by Ryan Lombardozzi, NCEA Social Media Coordinator. In September 2015, NCEA hosted its first “Send a Teacher to NCEA Convention” social media contest. After rounds of bracket-style voting via the NCEA Facebook page, Laura Webster emerged as the winner. Laura is an eighth-grade literature and English teacher at St. Mary Help […]
NCEA Board President to Serve as Chairman on USCCB’s Committee on Catholic Education
NCEA is pleased to share the goods news that our board of directors chairman, Bishop George V. Murry, SJ, has recently been elected to lead USCCB’s Committee on Catholic Education. The Committee on Catholic Education guides, directs, and coordinates this task, working closely with the Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis. The scope of the committee’s work […]
26th Biennial Ohio Catholic Education Association
The following post was contributed by Pam Bernards, Director of Professional Development at NCEA. Congratulations to the Ohio Catholic Education Association on another successful convention held in Cleveland on November 12-13, 2015. The event boasted over 4,000 participants, 154 breakout sessions, and 120 exhibit booths. Featured keynote speakers included Dr. Todd Whitaker, leading presenter on effective […]
40th Anniversary of the Individuals with Disabilities Act and Catholic Schools
The following post was contributed by Pam Bernards, Director of Professional Development at NCEA. Today marks the 40th anniversary of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). This legislation provides opportunities for students in Catholic schools. Certainly, the idea of providing a faith-filled learning environment of high expectations designed to meet the learning […]
Didn’t have the chance to check in with NCEA Talk each day? We’ve got you covered. Each Friday NCEA Talk will post a roundup of Catholic education news and resources from the week. In case you missed it… Monthly Message from NCEA President – November 2015 National Blue Ribbon Schools Honored In-depth expertise and smart […]