An in-house High School Confirmation Program is an accessible solution for today’s generation, supporting students to find the peace, belonging, connection and joy of enriching their spiritual lives—while on campus and in community.
Teach Resilience?
Resilience is much discussed today, perhaps because life stressors seem to have grown in number and intensity, especially since COVID.
Content and Context: A Key Distinction for Making Every Class Catholic
Catholicism may show up in every class, but it will have the feel of decoration. In a Catholic school, it should be the foundation.
Embracing Tradition and Faith: Celebrating Our Lady of Guadalupe in Catholic Schools
This celebration, rich in tradition and spirituality, brings many benefits to Catholic schools, shaping the development of students and fostering a deeper connection to faith.
Preparing Students to Live in a Racially Diverse Society
The Catholic worldview expressed in the teachings of Christ as recorded in the gospels, in our Catholic tradition, and in Catholic Social Teaching (CST) can prepare our students to thrive in a racially diverse society.
Hope Does Not Disappoint: Embracing Life’s Cross with Faith, Hope and Love
Hope gives us the confidence to boldly step out into the unknown, because although we do not know what the future holds, we do know WHO holds our future.
Optimizing Use of Title II-A Funding for Professional Development
Planning PD opportunities using Title II-A funding is a strategic process that requires careful consideration of educator and student needs.
Catholic Scouting Builds Community in Catholic Schools
Catholic Scouting builds community by helping young people connect with one another and by helping school families build relationships with fellow school families.
Integrating Sustainability Education in Catholic Schools
As educators in Catholic schools, our Catholic faith offers a foundation to heal fractures in our society.
Jumpstart Your Day of Giving: Quick Planning Tips
Written by Crystal Berry, head of global partnerships, BetterWorld, [email protected] The NCEA Many Gifts, One Nation Day of Giving is a powerful opportunity to unite your community, celebrate the mission of Catholic education and ensure the sustainability of your school’s future. At BetterWorld, we understand that fundraising for schools is more than just raising money; […]