Administrator’s Survival Guide: Assistance on the Leadership Journey

The following blog was contributed by Annette Marie Jones, Ed.D., educational consultant and former assistant director for school leadership at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) in Arlington, VA. Are you a new administrator, an aspiring administrator, a superintendent who coaches new administrators, or a professor who educates aspiring administrators? NCEA’s new publication, Administrator’s Survival […]

Santiago to Host The Inter-American Congress of Catholic Education

This story originally appeared October 5, 2019 on the SIGNIS website. SIGNIS is a non-governmental organization that includes members from over 100 countries. As the “World Catholic Association for Communication”, it brings together radio, television, cinema, video, media education, Internet, and new technology professionals. The Inter-American Confederation of Catholic Education (CIEC) will hold its Congress from January […]

Shared Leadership: Embracing Teacher Leadership Capacity

This blog was contributed by Annette Jones, Ed.S., Assistant Director for School Leadership at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) in Arlington, VA. Leadership capacity is defined as the spectrum of involvement in leadership activities (Lambert, 2002). Depending on each teacher’s leadership qualities and skills, he or she will participate at various levels in the […]

Develop and Embrace Teacher Leadership Capacity in Your School

This blog was contributed by Annette Jones, Ed.S., Assistant Director for School Leadership at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) in Arlington, VA. What is a contemporary school community? A contemporary school community is focused on shared leadership.  Each and every person in a school is a leader. What an important concept to teach and model […]

Perspectives from Principal Jack V. Nelson: 2019 National Distinguished Principal

This blog was contributed by Annette Jones, Ed.S., Assistant Director for School Leadership at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) in Arlington, VA. Congratulations to Matt R. Grosser, St. Mary School in Alexandria, KY; Jack V. Nelson, St. George School in Baton Rouge, LA and Deborah C. O’Neil, St. Bernadette School in Northborough, MA who […]

Perspectives from Principal Deborah O’Neil: 2019 National Distinguished Principal

The following blog was contributed by Annette Jones, Assistant Director for School Leadership at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) in Arlington, VA. Congratulations to Matt R. Grosser, St. Mary School in Alexandria, KY; Jack V. Nelson, St. George School in Baton Rouge, LA and Deborah C. O’Neil, St. Bernadette School in Northborough, MA who […]

Perspectives from Matt Grosser: 2019 National Distinguished Principal

The following blog was contributed by Annette Jones, Ed.S., Assistant Director for School Leadership at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) in Arlington, VA. Congratulations to Matt R. Grosser, St. Mary School in Alexandria, KY; Jack V. Nelson, St. George School in Baton Rouge, LA and Deborah C. O’Neil, St. Bernadette School in Northborough, MA […]

Leadership in Catholic Schools: Share the Ride!

The following blog was contributed by Debra Sullivan, Ed.D., Assistant Director for Catholic School Leadership and Jorge Peña, Research Coordinator, at Andrew M. Greeley Center for Catholic Education, School of Education, Loyola University, Chicago, IL. Dr. Sullivan and Dr. Peña will be presenting “Using the Carpool Lane on the Highway of Catholic School Leadership” at the 2019 […]

Developing a Culture Around the Use of Data in Our Catholic Schools

The following blog was contributed by Dr. Diane Cronin, Sr. Account Executive at NWEA. Dr. Cronin will be presenting “Developing a Culture Around the Use of Data in Our Catholic Schools” at the 2019 NCEA Institute for Catholic School Leaders (ICSL 2019), July 14-17 in Indianapolis. REGISTER NOW! ICSL 2019 is an engaging professional development opportunity […]